Health, Safety and Environment - International Labour Organization

Health, Safety and Environment - International Labour Organization

Health, Safety and Environment - International Labour Organization


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Manual 5:PESTICIDES AND HEALTH,SAFETY & THE ENVIRONMENT Improving pesticide health <strong>and</strong> safetyAbout thissectionNo such thingas the “safeuse ofpesticides”This section will help us to: identify prevention <strong>and</strong> control measures for pesticide use/exposure think about alternatives to pesticides develop trade union action plansAlthough employers, pesticide industry sellers <strong>and</strong> advisors, <strong>and</strong> evengovernment advisors may tell you the opposite, in practice, there willalways be a degree of risk attached to pesticide use. Always remember tolook for alternatives to pesticide use to prevent risks. (See below regardingIPPM <strong>and</strong> organic farming).However, the reality is that many agricultural workers are still forced touse, or are exposed to, pesticides as an everyday part of their job.Pesticides present their greatest danger when being used. So in thissection, we look at the hazards that can occur before, during, <strong>and</strong> afterpesticide use, <strong>and</strong> what practical precautions should be taken.Activity – Prevention <strong>and</strong> controlAIMSTo help us to: investigate key problems with pesticides use prevention <strong>and</strong> control guidance take up problems with managementTASKIn your small group, select a priority problem concerning the use of pesticides atone of your workplaces. Look at the guidance materials below on prevention,control <strong>and</strong> alternatives.Use the worksheet on the next page to prepare:what the hazard ishow the risks should be prevented or controlled how to take up the problem, <strong>and</strong> the arguments to use with managementElect a spokesperson to report back with your group’s ideas247 <strong>Health</strong>, <strong>Safety</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Environment</strong>A Series of Trade Union EducationManuals for Agricultural Workers

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