Catalog - University of Maryland University College

Catalog - University of Maryland University College

Catalog - University of Maryland University College


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COURSE DESCRIPTIONSEMBA (Business Administration—Executive)EMBA 610 Leadership for Global Opportunities (6)An exploration <strong>of</strong> leaders’ roles and responsibilities in the globalmarketplace, with an emphasis on personal leadership development.A systematic framework is employed to examine leader,follower, and situational factors that are important for modernorganizations. Topics include leader personality traits, behaviors,styles, and values; cultural competence; motivation theories andpractices; teams; goal-setting, decision, and contingency theories<strong>of</strong> leadership; leadership <strong>of</strong> change and innovation; and transformationalleadership.EMBA 620 Strategy in the Global Environment (6)Prerequisite: EMBA 610. A study <strong>of</strong> the dynamic forces drivingglobalization, how they are shaping competition, and the criticalrole <strong>of</strong> strategy in the success <strong>of</strong> enterprise operations andgovernance. Tools for assessing the global logic <strong>of</strong> industries,how industries are evolving under globalization and ongoingtechnological innovation, and what this evolution means fortheir competitive structures are provided. Topics include changesin international trade and financial systems, the effect <strong>of</strong> countryand regional diversity on competition, and market capitalism.EMBA 630 The Economics <strong>of</strong> Strategic Decision Making (6)Prerequisite: EMBA 620. An examination <strong>of</strong> the process <strong>of</strong>managerial decision making in a broadly strategic framework.Discussion covers the dynamics <strong>of</strong> individual and collaborativedecision making, especially in the context <strong>of</strong> financial decisions.Focus is on decision making as it relates to corporate governanceand major corporate restructuring due to mergers, acquisitions,and downsizing. The strategic effectiveness <strong>of</strong> managerial decisionmaking is evaluated through organizational performancemeasures, based on the development <strong>of</strong> financial and nonfinancialmetrics, scorecards, and dashboards.EMBA 640 Strategic Global Marketing (6)Prerequisite: EMBA 630. A study <strong>of</strong> business development strategiesfrom the perspective <strong>of</strong> customer needs and preferences.Focus is on the primacy <strong>of</strong> the customer in the marketing process.Marketing is considered holistically as an organization-wideprocess driving the marketing mix, marketing ethics, innovation,competitive analysis, marketing information systems, pricing,global initiatives, e-commerce, customer pr<strong>of</strong>itability analysis,and marketing return-on-investment.EMBA 650 Managing Business Operations in a GlobalEnvironment (6)Prerequisite: EMBA 640. An examination <strong>of</strong> the key strategicprocesses that allow modern global organizations to functioneffectively. Focus is on how an organization is efficiently managedwith the optimum utilization <strong>of</strong> resources (operationsmanagement and enterprise resource planning), how vendorsand suppliers are integrated seamlessly into the productionprocess (supply chain management), and how customer interactionsare facilitated effectively (customer resource management).Discussion covers how these strategies and information technologydevelopments are being utilized to operate the modernorganization. Topics also include the importance <strong>of</strong> projectmanagement and managing change as key ingredients to anorganization’s success.EMBA 660 Risk and Opportunity in Global BusinessDevelopment (6)Prerequisite: EMBA 650. The development <strong>of</strong> effective riskmitigation strategies for a sponsoring organization to enter newinternational markets. External audits are conducted to identifyand assess the relative risks and opportunities <strong>of</strong> expanding operationsinto specific country markets. Emphasis is on how thepolitical, regulatory, and economic policies <strong>of</strong> specific countriesaffect business operations. Topics include the business impact<strong>of</strong> international trading systems, regional trading relationships,and overseas country environments. A required internationalstudy trip, focused on trade agreements and overseas operations,is designed to increase knowledge <strong>of</strong> and comfort with the newinternational markets.EMBA 670 Business Development Strategy andCapstone Project (6)Prerequisite EMBA 660. The development <strong>of</strong> an internationalbusiness development plan for a sponsoring organization thatintegrates management techniques and methodologies gainedin previous study. Focus is on strategic decision making in aglobally competitive environment. Concepts, tools, and techniquesfrom economics and the many other functional businessdisciplines are used. Although the framework and conceptsapplied are geared toward creating business success in a globalenvironment, they are equally applicable to strategic leadership<strong>of</strong> nonpr<strong>of</strong>it organizations and public agencies.100G R A D U A T E C A T A L O G | 2 0 1 0 – 2 0 1 1

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