Catalog - University of Maryland University College

Catalog - University of Maryland University College

Catalog - University of Maryland University College


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DMGT (Doctoral Studies in Management)DMGT 800 Foundations <strong>of</strong> Management Theory and StrategicThinking (6)A comprehensive foundation in the history <strong>of</strong> managementand the structure and function <strong>of</strong> organizations. A new way <strong>of</strong>understanding and managing operational and strategic issues inpublic and private organizations in the face <strong>of</strong> accelerating social,economic, and technological changes is provided. Topics includeorganizational theory, strategic thinking and strategic management,theories <strong>of</strong> decision making, leadership, organizationalculture, and management in a postindustrial society. Problemsolving,application, and evaluation skills are used to analyze thetheories and practices <strong>of</strong> current and emerging organizationalchallenges and opportunities. The goal is to be able to criticallyassess the ideas <strong>of</strong> others and defend one’s own ideas through theapplication <strong>of</strong> scholarship.DMGT 810 Leadership, Enterprise Change, and VirtualManagement (6)A study <strong>of</strong> leadership—not just for survival but for sustainability–inenvironments where external pressure for change is thedominant feature. Discussion examines change and leadershipissues in varied industries, as well as one’s own organization, byidentifying and analyzing theories and concepts, assessing theapplicability <strong>of</strong> classic works and current perspectives, testingideas using case studies, and developing various scenarios andstrategies. Topics include the knowledge and abilities needed formanaging change, such as improvisation and reinvention; theroles and skills needed at all levels for leading in new organizationalmodels involving virtual teams; and the impact <strong>of</strong> change(particularly frequent change) on individuals and organizations.The goal is to recognize the link between leadership, change, andorganizational resilience and apply the lessons.DMGT 830 Research Methods I (6)An applied study <strong>of</strong> how to design, interpret, and critique bothquantitative and qualitative research. Methods are grounded inthe philosophy <strong>of</strong> science to provide a solid foundation that willsupport the identification and analysis <strong>of</strong> researchable questions.At least one qualitative and one quantitative methodology arestudied. Assignments include short analyses representative <strong>of</strong> thedifferent methodological traditions.DMGT 835 Research Methods II (6)A practical study <strong>of</strong> critical analysis techniques, applied to bothfoundational and contemporary management scholarship.Analyses are conducted in the critical realist tradition, in whichobjectivity arises from the continued scrutiny and critique <strong>of</strong>published research by peers. Assignments include comprehensiveanalyses <strong>of</strong> published management research and encompasscritique <strong>of</strong> initial assumptions, conceptual frameworks, methodologicalchoice, design and execution, and conclusions.DMGT 845 Global Business (6)A study <strong>of</strong> global business issues that determine a firm’s successthrough examination <strong>of</strong> region-, nation-, industry-, and firmspecificfactors. Topics include global strategy, organizationalstructure and control, regional trading groups, marketing, internationalethics, sustainability, social responsibility, economics,and the impact <strong>of</strong> technology. Discussion also covers the culturalforces and values that have an overall impact on firms and industriesthat operate in a transnational environment.DMGT 850 Innovation and Sustainable Development (6)A study <strong>of</strong> how technological innovation drives the long-termcompetitiveness <strong>of</strong> global organizations. The objective is toacquire skills in developing conceptual frameworks for managingsustainable organizational growth in both private and publicsectors. Focus is on critically evaluating the actors and factors fortechnological innovation and developing concepts for managingtechnological innovations to improve the creation and delivery<strong>of</strong> new goods and services in a productivity-based internationalcompetitive environment. Discussion covers issues related totechnology resources, technological capacities, capabilities andcompetencies, and technology strategies for sustained competitiveadvantage in the global marketplace. Decision-makingroadmaps are developed and applied to ensure that technologicaland socioeconomic/ethical/legal considerations are integrated fordesired results.DMGT 890 Dissertation Part I (4)The identification and refinement <strong>of</strong> the dissertation topic.Focus is on identifying research questions relevant to the chosentopic, conducting a review <strong>of</strong> the literature on that topic, anddeveloping a conceptual model and associated hypotheses.DMGT 891 Dissertation Part II (4)The selection <strong>of</strong> the dissertation’s research methodology to evaluatethe conceptual model and hypotheses. Focus is on identifyingappropriate sources <strong>of</strong> data, collecting and analyzing the datain the context <strong>of</strong> the chosen methodology, and drawing conclusionsregarding the conceptual model and associated hypotheses.w w w.umuc.edu / grad 95

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