Catalog - University of Maryland University College

Catalog - University of Maryland University College

Catalog - University of Maryland University College


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COURSE DESCRIPTIONSASCM 629 Strategic Purchasing and Logistics (3)(Formerly PCMS 629.) An investigation <strong>of</strong> issues and methodologiesrelated to strategic purchasing and logistics. Topics includethe ethics, social responsibility, and accountability considerationsin procurement, logistics, and contract management. Discussionalso covers the pr<strong>of</strong>essional development <strong>of</strong> staff, just-in-timemanagement, electronic data interchange, vendor assessmentand development, pricing and negotiation, and internationalprocurement issues.ASCM 630 Commercial Transactions in a TechnologicalEnvironment: Law, Management, and Technology (3)(Formerly PCMS 630.) Recommendation: ASCM 627. Apresentation <strong>of</strong> the legal issues and management methodologiesrelated to commercial transactions in a technological environment.Topics include the law, ethics, accountability, and contractmanagement considerations in the procurement <strong>of</strong> technologyproducts and services. Discussion also covers commercial salestransactions, government commercial item acquisition, privateand government contracts for services, assignment and protection<strong>of</strong> proprietary rights in technology products, technologytransfers, and international contractual issues in the procurement<strong>of</strong> products and services.ASCM 631 Integrative Supply Chain Management (3)(Formerly PCMS 631.) A study <strong>of</strong> supply chain issues, techniques,methodologies, and strategies designed to enhanceorganizational procurement efficiency. Integrated supply chainmanagement, as a core competitive strategy that affects the organization’sbottom line, is explored. Topics include the integration<strong>of</strong> information, supplies and materials flows across multiplesupply chain channels, and how these flows can be streamlinedand optimized for more efficient procurement. Discussion alsocovers the role <strong>of</strong> information systems and technology in supplychain management, e-commerce strategies, managing the flow<strong>of</strong> materials across the supply chain, developing and maintainingsupply chain partnerships and other relationships, and futurechallenges in integrative supply chain management.ASCM 632 Contemporary Logistics (3)(Formerly PCMS 632.) A study <strong>of</strong> logistical issues, techniques,methodologies, and strategies designed to enhance organizationalefficiency. Topics include the total cost approach tologistics; logistical planning and implementation; logistical concepts;systems relationships and integration; demand forecasting;interplant movement; inventory management and control; ordermanagement and processing; packaging; plant and warehouseselection; production scheduling; traffic and transportation management;warehouse and distribution management; recycling;and other logistical strategies, techniques, and methodologies.ASCM 650 Legal Aspects <strong>of</strong> Contracting and CommercialTransactions (6)(Formerly PCMS 650.) A study <strong>of</strong> the law relevant to commercial,governmental, and international purchasing, contracting,and other legal transactions. Focus is on agency law, contracts,sales, torts, antitrust, ethics, and accountability. Discussion coverscontract management considerations in the procurement <strong>of</strong>products and services. Topics include commercial sales transactions,government commercial item acquisition, private andgovernment contracts for services, assigning and protecting proprietyrights in technology products, technology transfers, andinternational contractual issues in the procurement <strong>of</strong> productsand services. The Federal Acquisition Regulation and AmericanBar Association Model Procurement Code for state andlocal government are investigated. The authority <strong>of</strong> purchasing,unauthorized purchases, rights and duties <strong>of</strong> sellers and buyersunder a contract, buyer rights upon receipt on nonconforminggoods, ability to terminate a sales contract, formation <strong>of</strong> governmentcontracts, and formal dispute resolution are also addressed.Students who receive credit for PCMS 650 cannot receive creditfor ASCM/PCMS 627 or ASCM/PCMS 630.BIFS (Bioinformatics)BIFS 613 Statistical Processes for Biotechnology (3)(Formerly BIOT 613.) Prerequisite: Knowledge <strong>of</strong> basic statistics.A study <strong>of</strong> statistical tools—such as Bayesian statistics,Markov processes, and information theoric indices—andhow they can be used to analyze sequence homology, thepresence <strong>of</strong> motifs in sequences, gene expression, and generegulation. Topics include information content, mutual information,long-range correlation, repeats, Fourier analysis, andlinguistic methods.BIFS 614 Data Structures and Algorithms (3)An introduction to the definitions, implementations, and applications<strong>of</strong> the most basic data structures used in bioinformatics.Basic formalism and concepts used in algorithm design andanalysis are also introduced. The relative efficiency <strong>of</strong> the algorithmsis estimated by application <strong>of</strong> these concepts to biologicaldata analysis. Algorithms and data structures discussed includethose for database searches, motif finding, sequence alignment,gene prediction, and microarray analysis.86G R A D U A T E C A T A L O G | 2 0 1 0 – 2 0 1 1

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