Catalog - University of Maryland University College

Catalog - University of Maryland University College

Catalog - University of Maryland University College


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COURSE DESCRIPTIONSHRMD 630 Recruitment and Selection (3)(Formerly ADMN 666.) An examination <strong>of</strong> the initial phases <strong>of</strong>staffing, focusing on the hiring process. The contemporary roles,relationships, and processes <strong>of</strong> recruitment and selection in thehuman resource management system are investigated. Emphasisis on productivity factors (such as the use <strong>of</strong> technology) andquality factors (such as legal, ethical, and validity issues). Topicsinclude both international and domestic concerns and multiplestaffing levels (such as executive managers and temporaryemployees). Current issues in private, not-for-pr<strong>of</strong>it, and/orpublic sectors are discussed.HRMD 640 Job Analysis, Assessment, and Compensation (3)(Formerly ADMN 663.) A study <strong>of</strong> the interrelated aspects<strong>of</strong> human resource management, including job design, jobanalysis, job evaluation, employee compensation, incentives toproductivity, employee motivation, and performance appraisal.A variety <strong>of</strong> approaches for analyzing, weighing, and specifyingthe detailed elements <strong>of</strong> positions within modern organizationsare presented. Discussion covers techniques for identifying andclassifying the critical components <strong>of</strong> a job, defining the observablestandards and measures, preparing and determining the jobdescription and job worth, establishing equitable compensationfor job performance, and developing an executive compensationprogram. The interaction <strong>of</strong> compensation, worker motivation,performance appraisal, and level <strong>of</strong> worker performance withinthe organization is examined.HRMD 650 Organizational Development and Change (3)(Formerly ADMN 664.) A study <strong>of</strong> the issues, theories, andmethodologies associated with organizational developmentand the management <strong>of</strong> change, with a major emphasis onorganizational culture and organizational change processes.Topics include the diagnostic process, intervention strategies,and overcoming resistance to change. Techniques such as goalsetting, team-development procedures, productivity and strategyinterventions, and interpersonal change models are examined.HRMD 651 Current Perspectives in Training andDevelopment (3)(Formerly ADMN 665.) An examination <strong>of</strong> the theories,research, skills, and issues related to one major aspect <strong>of</strong> humanresource development—the management <strong>of</strong> organizationaltraining services. The role <strong>of</strong> training in the workplace andadult learning models are investigated. Topics include curriculummanagement, program development, and operationmanagement with an emphasis on design and delivery issues.The impact <strong>of</strong> technology, the global environment, and modernorganizational structures are considered. Ethical issues are alsodiscussed. Assignments include the development <strong>of</strong> trainingproposals or programs.HRMD 665 Managing Virtual and Global Teams (3)(Not open to students who have completed HRMD 621,HRMD 652, or HRMD 660.) An investigation <strong>of</strong> the foundations<strong>of</strong> team development and performance from a humanresource management and organizational behavior perspective.Focus is on maximizing the effectiveness and efficiency <strong>of</strong> globaland virtual teams in organizations. Topics include the impact <strong>of</strong>global diversity and use <strong>of</strong> technology on intergroup development,communication, and outcomes. Scholarly research andfield literature are examined, and the implications <strong>of</strong> the findingsfor applied management are discussed.HSMN (Homeland Security Management)HSMN 610 Concepts in Homeland Security (3)(Formerly ITSM 620.) An overview <strong>of</strong> the basic concepts <strong>of</strong>homeland security, including infrastructure protection, jurisdiction,and issues in technical areas such as interconnectivity andinteroperability. The nation’s telecommunications and informationtechnology networks are examined as both vulnerable assetsand critical solutions.106G R A D U A T E C A T A L O G | 2 0 1 0 – 2 0 1 1

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