Catalog - University of Maryland University College

Catalog - University of Maryland University College

Catalog - University of Maryland University College


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UNIVERSITY POLICIESProcedures for Student ResidencyClassification for Admission, Tuition, andCharge-DIfferential Purposes(UMUC Policy 210.20)I. PROCEDURESThese procedures implement VIII-2.70—the <strong>University</strong>System <strong>of</strong> <strong>Maryland</strong> (“USM”) Policy on Student Classificationfor Admission and Tuition Purposes (“the USM policy”),amended by the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents on February 15, 2008.B. Students may not be required to submit a petition if thestudent was1. Classified as out-<strong>of</strong>-state because he or she failed tosubmit required documentation such as military IDor orders or verification <strong>of</strong> USM employment. In thissituation, the student can be reclassified as in-stateupon submission <strong>of</strong> the required documentation.2. Admitted to UMUC as out-<strong>of</strong>-state because <strong>of</strong> anerror made by a UMUC staff member. In this situation,the student can be reclassified as in-state backto the point that the error occurred upon discoveryand verification <strong>of</strong> the error.II.III.INITIAL DETERMINATIONAn initial determination <strong>of</strong> in-state status will be made byUMUC at the time a student’s application for admission isunder consideration by the admissions staff. If the studentdoes not provide all information necessary for an initial residencydetermination or the information given is inconsistent,ambiguous, or otherwise questionable, the student will beassigned out-<strong>of</strong>-state status. The determination made at thattime, and any determination made thereafter, shall prevailfor each semester or term until the determination is successfullychallenged. If a student inadvertently is misclassified as a<strong>Maryland</strong> resident, the student will be billed at the out-<strong>of</strong>staterate for all subsequent semesters.CHANGE IN RESIDENCY STATUSA. A change in residency status must be requested in writingby submitting a Petition for Change in Classificationfor Tuition (the “petition”). The petition is available onthe UMUC Web site (www.umuc.edu/changeresidency).Students must submit the petition and supporting documentation(as indicated on the petition) to the residencyevaluator by the last published date to register for coursesfor the semester or term in which the student is seeking achange in residency status as follows.1. The deadlines for submitting a petition for anupcoming semester or term are available in UMUC’sacademic calendar at www.umuc.edu/calendar.2. Students seeking a change in residency status whoare planning to take a co-op course (where there isno published date to register) must submit their petitionand supporting documentation prior to the datethey register for the co-op course in order to qualifyfor in-state tuition for that co-op course.3. Initially admitted as out-<strong>of</strong>-state, but leaves UMUCfor two or more years and must reapply to UMUCbefore being able to take additional courses. In thissituation, a determination <strong>of</strong> residency classificationwill be made based upon the information given onthe new admissions application.C. Once a petition is submitted, the residency evaluatorwill review it and the supporting documentation. If theresidency evaluator determines that the petition containsany inconsistent information, is incomplete, or requiresany additional information, the evaluator will contactthe petitioning student to obtain all the informationnecessary to complete the petition for a comprehensivereview. If any outstanding information is not submittedto UMUC within 30 days <strong>of</strong> the date <strong>of</strong> the residencyevaluator’s request, the student’s petition may not beconsidered for the current semester or term.D. If it is determined that the student meets all <strong>of</strong> the requirementsfor in-state residency, the student’s classification willbe changed. If the student has already paid the out-<strong>of</strong>-statetuition rates for the applicable semester or term, a refundor account credit (if there is a balance due on the student’saccount) will be generated.E. If UMUC determines that the student does not meet all<strong>of</strong> the requirements for in-state residency, the studentmay appeal the decision in writing to the president’s designee,the provost and chief academic <strong>of</strong>ficer (“provost”),for a waiver <strong>of</strong> the criterion that the student does notmeet. The provost may waive any residency criterion setforth in Section II <strong>of</strong> the USM residency policy if it isdetermined that the application <strong>of</strong> the criterion createsan unjust result.w w w.umuc.edu / grad 175

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