Catalog - University of Maryland University College

Catalog - University of Maryland University College

Catalog - University of Maryland University College


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Shared Governance(UMUC Policy 20.20)I. INTRODUCTIONA. <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Maryland</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>College</strong> (UMUC)is one <strong>of</strong> eleven degree-granting institutions within the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> System <strong>Maryland</strong> (USM). Governance isvested in the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents and by the board delegatedto the chancellor <strong>of</strong> the USM and to the presidents<strong>of</strong> the constituent institutions <strong>of</strong> the USM.B. The president <strong>of</strong> UMUC is the senior <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> theuniversity and is responsible for the overall implementationand continued management <strong>of</strong> UMUC’s missionand vision. The provost and chief academic <strong>of</strong>ficer (or“provost”) is UMUC’s senior academic <strong>of</strong>ficer and thesenior vice president for policy and administration (or“senior vice president”) is UMUC’s senior administrative<strong>of</strong>ficer. The Executive Committee and the Cabinet serveas the senior advisory councils to the president.III.structure that allows stakeholders to provide input to andbe informed about significant institutional decisions. Eachshared governance body within this structure acts in advisorycapacity to the president and other university <strong>of</strong>ficers.STAKEHOLDERSUMUC’s internal stakeholder groups are students, faculty,and staff.A. Students: UMUC admits full-time and part-timestudents “on the ground” and online, through UMUCstateside, UMUC Europe, and UMUC Asia.B. Faculty: UMUC has four types <strong>of</strong> faculty worldwide,as defined in UMUC Policy 181.00—Faculty Appointment,Rank, and Promotion.C. Staff: UMUC employs full-time and part-time staff atits main locations in <strong>Maryland</strong> (Adelphi, Largo, ShadyGrove, and Waldorf) as well as in UMUC Asia andUMUC Europe.II.C. The provost heads the governance structure for all academicaffairs at UMUC. Academic affairs include, butare not limited to, the following: academic policies andprocedures, research and training, faculty and studentservices, and academic programs and courses. The majorcontributors to the academic governance system are theAcademic Affairs Council, the Undergraduate ProgramsAdvisory Council, the Graduate Council, responsiblevice provosts, and the provost.D. The senior vice president heads the governance structurefor all administrative matters at UMUC. These mattersinclude, but are not limited to, the following: legal counsel,human resources management, financial management,government and external outreach, institutional advancement,communications and marketing, planning andaccountability, information technology, and facilities management.The major contributors to the administrativegovernance system are the Administrative Council, theresponsible vice presidents, and the senior vice president.E. To facilitate the decision-making process in UMUC,individual units are encouraged to have standing orad hoc committees, task forces, or working groups toprovide the unit leader the best possible information forsound decision making.SHARED GOVERNANCEIV.SHARED GOVERNANCE STRUCTUREA. Because <strong>of</strong> its unique structure and geographically dispersedstakeholder population, UMUC provides separategovernance bodies for each stakeholder group as well asan institution-wide shared governance body. Each <strong>of</strong> thethree stakeholder groups has an Advisory Council. TheAdvisory Councils consist <strong>of</strong> a minimum <strong>of</strong> 12 representatives,all duly elected by the stakeholders themselves.Each Advisory Council may also have one or more ex<strong>of</strong>ficio members selected from the university’s seniorleadership. The charter and constitution <strong>of</strong> each groupoutline the representation, mission, and purpose <strong>of</strong> thecouncil. It is the responsibility <strong>of</strong> each council to complywith its charter and constitution. With the approval <strong>of</strong>the president, councils may modify their charters andconstitutions as needed. Four representatives are chosenfrom each stakeholder Advisory Council to sit on the<strong>University</strong> Advisory Council, the institution-wide governancebody.The Advisory Councils areB. Student Advisory Council: The Student Advisory Councilserves as an information network for its constituents.The Student Advisory Council will meet periodicallywith the university’s senior academic <strong>of</strong>ficers to addressissues <strong>of</strong> concern to UMUC students.In accordance with <strong>University</strong> System <strong>of</strong> <strong>Maryland</strong> PolicyI-6.00 Policy on Shared Governance in the <strong>University</strong> System<strong>of</strong> <strong>Maryland</strong>, approved on August 25, 2000, by the Board<strong>of</strong> Regents, UMUC has developed a shared governancew w w.umuc.edu / grad 177

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