A General History & Collection of Voyages and Travels ... - Nauticus

A General History & Collection of Voyages and Travels ... - Nauticus

A General History & Collection of Voyages and Travels ... - Nauticus


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are inexplicable to us. Upon the whole, supposing Easter Isl<strong>and</strong> to have undergone a late misfortunefrom volcanic fires, its inhabitants are more to be pitied than any less civilized society, beingacquainted with a number <strong>of</strong> conveniences, comforts, <strong>and</strong> luxuries <strong>of</strong> life, which they formerlypossessed, <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> which the remembrance must embitter the loss."--G.P.Forster the father is decided in opinion, as to the revolution that has undoubtedly occurred in thisisl<strong>and</strong>, being occasioned by a volcano <strong>and</strong> earthquake, <strong>and</strong> gives a very curious account <strong>of</strong> a notionprevalent amongst the Society Isles, <strong>and</strong> forming indeed part <strong>of</strong> their mythological creed, which, ifto be credited, affords support to it. The subject altogether is <strong>of</strong> a most interesting <strong>and</strong> importantnature, but cannot possibly be investigated or even specified in an adequate manner in this place. Wehope to do it justice hereafter.--E.Besides the monuments <strong>of</strong> antiquity, which were pretty numerous, <strong>and</strong> no where but on or near the seacoast,there were many little heaps <strong>of</strong> stones, piled up in different places along the coast. Two or three <strong>of</strong>the uppermost stones in each pile were generally white, perhaps always so, when the pile is complete. Itwill hardly be doubted that these piles <strong>of</strong> stone had a meaning; probably they might mark the place wherepeople had been buried, <strong>and</strong> serve instead <strong>of</strong> the large statues.The working-tools <strong>of</strong> these people are but very mean, <strong>and</strong>, like those <strong>of</strong> all the other isl<strong>and</strong>ers we havevisited in this ocean, made <strong>of</strong> stone, bone, shells, &c. They set but little value on iron or iron tools, whichis the more extraordinary, as they know their use; but the reason may be, their having but little occasion forthem.SECTION IX.The Passage from Easter Isl<strong>and</strong> to the Marquesas Isl<strong>and</strong>s. Transactions <strong>and</strong> Incidents which happenedwhile the Ship lay in Madre de Dios, or Resolution Bay, in the Isl<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> St Christina.After leaving Easter Isl<strong>and</strong>, I steered N.W. by N. <strong>and</strong> N.N.W., with a fine easterly gale, intending to touchat the Marquesas, if I met with nothing before I got there. We had not been long at sea, before the biliousdisorder made another attack upon me, but not so violent as the former. I believe this second visit wasowing to exposing <strong>and</strong> fatiguing myself too much at Easter Isl<strong>and</strong>.On the 22d, being in the latitude <strong>of</strong> 19° 20' S., longitude 114° 49' W., steered N.W. Since leaving EasterIsl<strong>and</strong>, the variation had not been more than 3° 4', nor less than 2° 32' E.; but on the 26th, at six a.m., inlatitude 15° 7' S., longitude 119° 45' W., it was no more than 1° 1' E.; after which it began to increase.On the 29th, being in the latitude <strong>of</strong> 10° 20', longitude 123° 58' W., altered the course to W.N.W., <strong>and</strong> thenext day to west, being then in latitude 9° 24', which I judged to be the parallel <strong>of</strong> Marquesas; where, as Ihave before observed, I intended to touch, in order to settle their situation, which I find different indifferent charts. Having now a steady settled trade-wind, <strong>and</strong> pleasant weather, I ordered the forge to be setup, to repair <strong>and</strong> make various necessary articles in the iron way; <strong>and</strong> the caulkers had already been sometime at work caulking the decks, weather- works, &c.As we advanced to the west, we found the variation to increase but slowly; for, on the 3d <strong>of</strong> April, it wasonly 4° 40' E., being then in the latitude <strong>of</strong> 9° 32', longitude 132° 45', by observation made at the same time.

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