A General History & Collection of Voyages and Travels ... - Nauticus

A General History & Collection of Voyages and Travels ... - Nauticus

A General History & Collection of Voyages and Travels ... - Nauticus


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<strong>and</strong> a party <strong>of</strong> seamen, in three boats, <strong>and</strong> rowed in for the shore. It hath been already mentioned, that thetwo divisions <strong>of</strong> the natives were drawn up on each side the l<strong>and</strong>ing-place. They had left a space betweenthem <strong>of</strong> about thirty or forty yards, in which were laid, to the most advantage, a few small bunches <strong>of</strong>plantains, a yam, <strong>and</strong> two or three roots. Between these <strong>and</strong> the water were stuck upright in the s<strong>and</strong>, forwhat purpose I never could learn, four small reeds, about two feet from each other, in a line at right anglesto the shore, where they remained for two or three days after. The old man before-mentioned, <strong>and</strong> twomore, stood by these things, inviting us, by signs, to l<strong>and</strong>; but I had not forgot the trap I was so near beingcaught in at the last isl<strong>and</strong>; <strong>and</strong> this looked something like it. We answered, by making signs for the twodivisions to retire farther back, <strong>and</strong> give us more room. The old man seemed to desire them so to do, but nomore regard was paid to him than to us. More were continually joining them, <strong>and</strong>, except two or three oldmen, not one unarmed. In short, every thing conspired to make us believe they meant to attack us as soonas we should be on shore; the consequence <strong>of</strong> which was easily supposed; many <strong>of</strong> them must have beenkilled <strong>and</strong> wounded, <strong>and</strong> we should hardly have escaped unhurt; two things I equally wished to prevent.Since, therefore, they would not give us the room required, I thought it was better to frighten them into it,than to oblige them by the deadly effect <strong>of</strong> our fire-arms. I accordingly ordered a musquet to be fired overthe party on our right, which was by far the strongest body; but the alarm it gave them was momentary. Inan instant they recovered themselves <strong>and</strong> began to display their weapons. One fellow shewed us hisbackside, in a manner which plainly conveyed his meaning.After this I ordered three or four more musquets to be fired. This was the signal for the ship to fire a fewgreat guns, which presently dispersed them; <strong>and</strong> then we l<strong>and</strong>ed, <strong>and</strong> marked out the limits, on the right<strong>and</strong> left, by a line. Our old friend stood his ground, though deserted by his two companions, <strong>and</strong> I rewardedhis confidence with a present. The natives came gradually to us, seemingly in a more friendly manner;some even without their weapons, but by far the greatest part brought them; <strong>and</strong> when we made signs tolay them down, they gave us to underst<strong>and</strong> that we must lay down ours first. Thus all parties stood armed.The presents I made to the old people, <strong>and</strong> to such as seemed to be <strong>of</strong> consequence, had little effect on theirconduct. They indeed climbed the cocoa-nut trees, <strong>and</strong> threw us down the nuts, without requiring any thingfor them; but I took care that they should always have somewhat in return. I observed that many wereafraid to touch what belonged to us; <strong>and</strong> they seemed to have no notion <strong>of</strong> exchanging one thing foranother. I took the old man (whose name we now found to be Paowang) to the woods, <strong>and</strong> made himunderst<strong>and</strong>, I wanted to cut down some trees to take on board the ship; cutting some down at the sametime, which we put into one <strong>of</strong> our boats, together with a few small casks <strong>of</strong> water, with a view <strong>of</strong> lettingthe people see what it was we chiefly wanted. Paowang very readily gave his consent to cut wood; nor wasthere any one who made the least objection. He only desired the cocoa-nut trees might not be cut down.Matters being thus settled, we embarked <strong>and</strong> returned on board to dinner, <strong>and</strong>, immediately after, they alldispersed. I never learnt that any one was hurt by our shot, either on this or the preceding day; which was avery happy circumstance. In the afternoon having l<strong>and</strong>ed again, we loaded the launch with water, <strong>and</strong>having made three hauls with the seine, caught upwards <strong>of</strong> three hundred pounds <strong>of</strong> mullet <strong>and</strong> other fish.It was some time before any <strong>of</strong> the natives appeared, <strong>and</strong> not above twenty or thirty at last, amongst whomwas our trusty friend Paowang, who made us a present <strong>of</strong> a small pig, which was the only one we got atthis isle, or that was <strong>of</strong>fered to us.During the night the volcano, which was about four miles to the west <strong>of</strong> us, vomited up vast quantities <strong>of</strong>fire <strong>and</strong> smoke, as it had also done the night before; <strong>and</strong> the flames were seen to rise above the hill whichlay between us <strong>and</strong> it. At every eruption it made a long rumbling noise like that <strong>of</strong> thunder, or the blowingup <strong>of</strong> large mines. A heavy shower <strong>of</strong> rain, which fell at this time, seemed to increase it; <strong>and</strong> the windblowing from the same quarter, the air was loaded with its ashes, which fell so thick that every thing wascovered with the dust. It was a kind <strong>of</strong> fine s<strong>and</strong>, or stone, ground or burnt to powder, <strong>and</strong> was exceedingly

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