A General History & Collection of Voyages and Travels ... - Nauticus

A General History & Collection of Voyages and Travels ... - Nauticus

A General History & Collection of Voyages and Travels ... - Nauticus


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took leave they followed us to our boat; <strong>and</strong>, seeing the musquets lying across the stern, they madesigns for them to be taken away, which being done, they came alongside, <strong>and</strong> assisted us to launchher. At this time it was necessary for us to look well after them, for they wanted to take away everything they could lay their h<strong>and</strong>s upon, except the muskets. These they took care not to touch, beingtaught, by the slaughter they had seen us make among the wild- fowl, to look upon them asinstruments <strong>of</strong> death.We saw no canoes or other boats with them, two or three logs <strong>of</strong> wood tied together served the samepurpose, <strong>and</strong> were indeed sufficient for the navigation <strong>of</strong> the river, on the banks <strong>of</strong> which they lived.There fish <strong>and</strong> fowl were in such plenty, that they had no occasion to go far for food; <strong>and</strong> they havebut few neighbours to disturb them. The whole number at this place, I believe, does not exceed threefamilies.It was noon when we took leave <strong>of</strong> these two men, <strong>and</strong> proceeded down the north side <strong>of</strong> the bay,which I explored in my way, <strong>and</strong> the isles that lie in the middle. Night, however, overtook us, <strong>and</strong>obliged me to leave one arm unlooked into, <strong>and</strong> hasten to the ship, which we reached by eighto'clock. I then learnt that the man <strong>and</strong> his daughter stayed on board the day before till noon; <strong>and</strong> thathaving understood from our people what things were left in Cascade Cove, the place where theywere first seen, he sent <strong>and</strong> took them away. He <strong>and</strong> his family remained near us till today, whenthey all went away, <strong>and</strong> we saw them no more; which was the more extraordinary, as he never left usempty-h<strong>and</strong>ed. From one or another he did not get less than nine or ten hatchets, three or four timesthat number <strong>of</strong> large spike-nails, besides many other articles. So far as these things may be countedriches in New Zeal<strong>and</strong>, he exceeds every man there; being, at this time, possessed <strong>of</strong> more hatchets<strong>and</strong> axes than are in the whole country besides.In the afternoon <strong>of</strong> the 21st, I went with a party out to the isles on seal- hunting. The surf ran so highthat we could only l<strong>and</strong> in one place, where we killed ten. These animals served us for threepurposes; the skins we made use <strong>of</strong> for our rigging; the fat gave oil for our lamps; <strong>and</strong> the flesh weeat. Their haslets are equal to that <strong>of</strong> a hog, <strong>and</strong> the flesh <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> them eats little inferior to beefsteaks.The following day nothing worthy <strong>of</strong> notice was done.In the morning <strong>of</strong> the 23d, Mr Pickersgill, Mr Gilbert, <strong>and</strong> two others, went to the Cascade Cove, inorder to ascend one <strong>of</strong> the mountains, the summit <strong>of</strong> which they reached by two o'clock in theafternoon, as we could see by the fire they made. In the evening they returned on board, <strong>and</strong> reportedthat inl<strong>and</strong>, nothing was to be seen but barren mountains, with huge craggy precipices, disjoined byvalleys, or rather chasms, frightful to behold. On the southeast side <strong>of</strong> Cape West, four miles out atsea, they discovered a ridge <strong>of</strong> rocks, on which the waves broke very high. I believe these rocks tobe the same we saw the evening we first fell in with the l<strong>and</strong>.Having five geese left out <strong>of</strong> those we brought from the Cape <strong>of</strong> Good Hope, I went with them nextmorning to Goose Cove (named so on this account,) where I left them. I chose this place for tworeasons; first, here are no inhabitants to disturb them; <strong>and</strong>, secondly, here being the most food, Imake no doubt but that they will breed, <strong>and</strong> may in time spread over the whole country, <strong>and</strong> fullyanswer my intention in leaving them. We spent the day shooting in <strong>and</strong> about the cove, <strong>and</strong> returnedaboard about ten o'clock in the evening. One <strong>of</strong> the party shot a white hern, which agreed exactlywith Mr Pennant's description, in his British Zoology, <strong>of</strong> the white herns that either now are, or wereformerly, in Engl<strong>and</strong>.The 20th was the eighth fair day we had had successively; a circumstance, I believe, veryuncommon in this place, especially at this season <strong>of</strong> the year. This fair weather gave us anopportunity to complete our wood <strong>and</strong> water, to overhaul the rigging, caulk the ship, <strong>and</strong> put her in acondition for sea. Fair weather was, however, now at an end; for it began to rain this evening, <strong>and</strong>

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