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of his sincere affection and of his warnings. Well, I wouldn'thave to look at Devi's wild-eyed expression, her enormoustongue, and the blood that stained her body any longer. Then,at that moment, I stretched and relaxed. I must have sleptan hour or two. When I woke up, I went back to standing atthe edge of the cliff.Two nights exhausted my fantasies one by one, and by themorning of the third, I was still on the edge of the cliff, aliveand standing. By this time, I'd given up fighting, and whenthe hand gave me a distinct shove, I gave myself up for lost,anticipating a fall, which despite everything never occurred -because, <strong>with</strong> one swift motion, Devi pulled me back.One more time, I found myself in her arms. I had theimpression that each test was helping to build an indestructiblebond between us. This time, my nerves were shattered.I didn't know what I was crying about, but I wassure that the torrents of tears pouring out of me had comefrom a long way off.I was entitled to an excellent meal of rice and dal, and torest, which had never seemed so delicious to me. I woke severaltimes. I opened my eyes, astonished to be there in thecalm and the solitude, listening to the sounds of the forest<strong>with</strong> wonder. I was enthralled at what deep happiness theleast little thing held for me, and I fell asleep again in a sort ofbliss, which seemed to grow each time I reawoke. By now Ihad fallen into the habit of sleeping curled up like a huntingdog in the hearth pit - widened to accommodate me - nakedin the soft ashes, as I had been instructed by Devi.The following night, Devi covered herself <strong>with</strong> ashes. Acrescent moon rose. Devi led me by the hand to the centerof the esplanade.101

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