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fever reduced to its simplest expression: wildly liberatingsexuality. Ginsberg and many of the other American poetshad left their mark. The muses recited to audiences simultaneouslyentranced and distracted by hashish, then spentamorous nights in endless ecstasy <strong>with</strong> hairy gurus, lamas,and yogis. Black Bombay, an explosive mix of hashish fromAfghanistan or Kashmir and opium, came to their aid. Everywhereyou looked, you saw levitation, travels into pastlives, altered consciousness, reincarnations, mad egos devouredby demons in the Tibetan rite of tcho, mysteriousorgies in the forests, awakenings and trances, and lightningsurges of kundalini, that mystical energy from thedepths, represented by the figure of a serpent coiled at thebase of the spinal column.A Californian recounted how she had made love <strong>with</strong> atiger-ascetic during the time of Buddha; an Italian poet toldof his spontaneous illumination at the sight of MaharishiMahesh Yogi crossing the Delhi airport. In this base campof enlightenment, one learned what route to take tocircumambulate Mount Kailash in secret, as well as waysof encountering the members of the secret brotherhood ofthe Deva Dasi, or the "servants of God," comprised ofwomen poets, musicians, dancers, and initiates of sacredsex. They still officiated in a few temples, claimed certainpeople, who would then offer to give you the names. Intheir arms, you could attain total knowledge of that ecstasycarved in the stone of Khajuraho or Mahaballipuram.One exchanged a Frank Zappa tape for the address of anopium den in ancient Delhi, a passport for the name of aNepalese shaman <strong>with</strong> extraordinary powers, a night of lovefor the transmission of a mantra, those ritual formulas by14

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