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followed, I learned how the paroxysms of ejaculation couldalso be controlled by deep breathing, ebbing and flowing<strong>with</strong>out the least frustration, since orgasm was really takingplace but was not accompanied by ejaculation.It must have taken about ten days for this stage to becomea reflex in me. Each evening, Devi introduced me tothe most subtle erotic sensations; then, using her hands orbreasts or mouth, she slowly brought me to orgasm. At themoment of ejaculation, using her index and ring fingers, shepressed hard against a point situated between my anus andperineum or on another point three finger-widths above theright nipple. I then had a violent orgasm <strong>with</strong>out the slightesttrace of ejaculation.Then, slowly, she brought me right back to what hadseemed an insurmountable threshold, making me discoverpleasures more and more intense, eliciting a series of orgasmsduring which I lost not a single drop of sperm.Over the course of the nights that followed, Devi taughtme to achieve the same results myself <strong>with</strong>out the fingerpressure, simply by controlling my breathing and relaxingmy deep stomach muscles. At first, there were a few accidentsto which she responded <strong>with</strong> laughter. The reflexwasn't established for some days, but soon I succeeded incontrolling ejaculation during totally free orgasms by myself.And believe me, this had nothing in common <strong>with</strong> thedreary coitus reservatus, contrary to what certain Tantricscholars claim.In the beginning, Devi paused briefly at the moment ofclimax; then, little by little, she continued her stimulation,increasing the pressures of her tongue and her mouth asif to evoke my orgasm despite my deep breathing. Many134

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