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Jivaro Indians. And this time, it wasn't a little pebble thatlanded in the pot, but a big round one, the size of myshrunken head, that Devi threw into the green water of thebasin. At the moment of the loud splash, I immediatelyregained my space."The closer an experience of total opening approaches,the more the bodymind struggles. These moments areall the more difficult to go through because the trip towardthe ego happens in a flash. You're suspended inthe real space of heavenly pleasure, and suddenly, youleap into a cauldron of tar. The experience is unpleasant,but you must get used to it. It is what awaits you until theday when your heart opens completely."The embryo knows this anguish. The completely formedinfant knows it most when its mother's contractions begin.Birth is a spiritual test equivalent to the awakening andopening of the heart. It is from this combat, from thesememories, that the gods are born. Terrifying or kind, theyare only products of our consciousness's great struggle toattain life and absolute love."Man is afraid of losing himself in the taste and smell ofthe female genitals, because if his tension and sufferingare too great, the memory of his divine life inside the womancan cause a great shock. A rupture makes the armor protectinghim from love's reality explode. A door is opened inhis hatred, and his suffering grows. In the same way, awoman who fears the man's penis and can't let herself go,adoring it in complete freedom, refuses her own powerand obstructs her own consciousness. She also opens thedoor to negativity. Sexual relations then become combatbetween two negative forces. Divine play is perverted, its157

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