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opportunity for impulsive debauchery where the divine exerciseof spontaneity and the radical elimination of unsatisfieddesires intersect.""Is that why you told me there were no sexual rites inTantrism?""Any sexuality that doesn't grow out of divine love is only asham you might abandon yourself to, which you can't callTantrism. Any experience linked to the ego, desire, or possessionhas nothing to do <strong>with</strong> Tantrism. To become a tantrika youmust have the soul of a hero. Under no circumstances can someoneruled by passions or victimized by an egotistical, manipulativesexuality complicated by power or repression advancesuccessfully along the way. When Shiva penetrates Shakti, it' s acomplete act, a sacred act. Without the triple mastery of thebreath, the mental component, and the sperm, it's the verysame act that has chained beings to ignorance since time began.They come together <strong>with</strong>out realizing that everything<strong>with</strong>in is divine, as if suffering in the form of a penis were penetratingsuffering in the form of a vulva. Despite that, and evencarried out <strong>with</strong>in the suffering ego, the sexual act contains thewhole of divinity, though it's not apparent to most, for whomsexuality is so troubled. But it's really so simple! It's only ourfragmented and dualistic minds, our knowledge turned outward,our ideals and morals that hide from us the knowledgethat we are gods!"117

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