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we've imprisoned by our desire. We go to search for it amongthe innumerable objects that we have piled up. And we discoverto our astonishment that this being or thing is no longeralive, that it must be thrown out. Possession and rejectionare one and the same gesture of ignorance."The third impurity is as subtle as a very light gauze thatflies in the wind. Sometimes it unveils our consciousness,and we have the impression that we are opened enough toground ourselves in Shiva. Sometimes this gauze casts alight shadow, and our consciousness then suffers by notgetting absolute light. It's this subtle impurity that makesour meditation oscillate between unity and duality. Sometimeswe grasp our absolute Self. Sometimes we lose it. Weare not filled by the divine, and our thirsty consciousnessfeels deprived. Shiva has only one foot in our pained heart,and sometimes we lose him altogether. Then we feel anexposed emptiness like a freshly opened wound, and eventhe divine becomes a cause for suffering. That's then wesometimes form obsessive attachments to our spiritualmasters. If the latter aren't accomplished, they feed on this,and we become dependent. Our spiritual progress isblocked, our vitality and equilibrium becoming precariousand subject to the whims of the master. This perniciousrelationship frequently develops. As soon as simple, deep,and unstrained devotion is transformed into a frenetic relationship,there are attempts by the disciple to manipulatethe master, or vice versa, or both at the same time.Through this process, spiritual energy is reversed, and lovebecomes power."Healthy relationships between master and disciple arefree of artifice and protocol. Even in ritual, when the master139

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