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eathe and rediscover the world. Of course, to be capableof such speech supposes that one has oneself abandonedall rigid frameworks. But <strong>with</strong>out having done this, canone truly hear someone else? It seemed to me that deeplistening and deep speech couldn't be disassociated, thatyou can't have one <strong>with</strong>out the other, and that probablythe great therapists are those who have access to both theseinseparable tools and make use of them.Later, Devi spoke to me about the next five tattvas:the feet,speech,the hand,the anus (as the excretory organ),the genitals (as the urinary and sexual organs)."These tattvas are linked to the organs of action. First ofall, there are the feet, which serve to move us on the earth,to walk in full consciousness, as we are coming to do. Thenthere's the tattva of speech. I speak to you. I open yourconsciousness. My speech is true. The tattva of the hand isseen here not in the sense of touch but as the faculty forgiving, seizing, moving, shaping, transforming something.I seize this branch; I can make it into a tool. I take someclay; I can make it into a pot. It's the creative capacity ofthe hand - that of a dancer, a musician, an artisan."The next tattva is linked to the excretory organ. It's thetypical example of an activity we perform every day, whichseems to us not worthy of consciousness. Tantrism tells usthat to excrete in consciousness is as profound a meditationas any other. Thus, when you are going to relieveyourself, grasp this bodily movement, which takes in andrejects, which opens and closes, which lets pass through74

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