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on the palate, against the upper teeth. The spinal columnvery straight, the vertebrae stacked up like little round cushionsfull of sand. The eyes slightly opened, fixed before youon the ground, or completely opened and fixed on infinity,right in front of you. Then, <strong>with</strong>out forcing it, you extendthe breath, you let it become subtle, and then you notice apause between the exhalation and the inhalation, and yourealize that the divine is in this interstitial void. Then, youpractice circular respiration born of hamsa.""At the beginning, when one first starts to meditate, isn'tit easier to have an object to concentrate on?""You can concentrate on a little pebble or some otherobject, but you have to be careful not to do this for toolong or it will become fossilized in the mind. When youmeditate <strong>with</strong> some sort of crutch, you must alternate yourconcentration <strong>with</strong> mind relaxation like a series of waves.You must let the concentration breathe, or you wear yourselfout for nothing.""How should one consider the intrusions of thought thatcome to interfere <strong>with</strong> one's absorption?"'You have to stop believing that these distracted statesare at odds <strong>with</strong> profound absorption. They are a kind ofenergy to be grounded in the absorption. As soon as youstop considering them an obstacle, you witness a wonderfultransformation in which the agitation begins to nourish thecalm. There is no antagonism in non-duality. All efforts toreduce turbulence or make it disappear only reinforce it.The clouds are part of the beauty of the sky. The shootingstars are an integral part of the night. The night doesn't sayto itself, 'Here comes a shooting star to interrupt my peace!'So be like the sky, and your mind will integrate all states."112

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