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20In the days that followed the maithuna ritual, I came andwent, enjoying divine freedom, my bodymind continuingto tremble. I felt like foliage that reality was filteringthrough. The deep bond connecting Devi and me extendedto the entire world, and I spent day and night in a continualstate of rapture. Everything took on a startling depthbecause everything took place in a single space where theego was temporarily diluted. This presence of total realityleft me filled <strong>with</strong> wonder and free of all concepts. Eachmovement attested to a deep harmony <strong>with</strong> the All.From the morning bath on, I felt myself to be in a stateof uninterrupted gratitude. I wanted to bow deeply to theworld, to sing out the wonder of each thing. Reality saturated<strong>with</strong> the absolute never stopped running through meas I ran through it, and nothing was <strong>with</strong>out resonance. Aswe climbed out of the water and dried ourselves in the sunand air, Devi said to me:163

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