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me the impression of a fountain of love pouring towardme. Her look also had something of the power of a fire inthe forest, which drives away all the imagined forms thatnever stop appearing to us. She opened one of her handsand there I saw some small pebbles, which she must havecollected at the river. Near me was a pot. By throwing in astone, she made it ring. I smiled because her aim wasperfect."This pot represents your mind. Each time you cease tobe here by taking refuge in your thoughts, I will throw alittle stone. Thus you will become aware of the number ofdisturbances you create to escape from the present reality.When we look at each other, Shiva and Shakti look at eachother. Why are Shiva and Shakti divine? Because nothingcomes to disrupt them from being present <strong>with</strong> each other.To be Shiva isn't difficult. It's enough to be present, to beentirely there, moment after moment. If you only realizedthis one Tantric teaching, you would attain the divine. Youwould be an integral part of the divine, which you enjoyimagining in me but which you still don't recognize in yourself.No asceticism leads to a distant divinity. All we imagineelsewhere is in ourselves. To be Shiva is to realize that spontaneously.Are you ready to wash down the temple?""Yes. I've thought about the conditions you've laid out. Iagree to go to the very end."Devi laughed."That's very courageous on your part. I have visitedyour hut. It's built well. Follow my teachings in the samemanner."I thanked her for accepting me as a disciple. Then sheasked me a question, which totally threw me.50

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