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agitating the jar and set it down before us. Little by little, thewater clears, and the deep seeds float to the surface. That'swhat sometimes makes the meditation process so painful. Itreveals the seeds that we don't want to see in ourselves, orthat we didn't suspect existed. Little by little, the contents ofthe innermost depths of the consciousness appear on theconscious surface and are purged. By meditating, we acceptthe opening of the jar and the purging of all that appears onthe surface of the water. If at the same time we attain spontaneity,we no longer sow the deeply conscious field, andlittle by little the cycle is broken."As a result, the contents of dreams change. Adeptsachieve full consciousness and divine spontaneity even intheir dreams, which are no less one <strong>with</strong> the absolute. Aslong as duality remains on the level of dreams, awakeningisn't complete. The ascetic who seems to have achievedSelfhood, but who is secretly tormented by his dreams, livesa lie. Everything in the Tantric sadhanas aimed at satisfyingthe senses comes from a profound understanding ofhuman nature. Human nature can never be really openedto ecstasy until everything that was imagined, but not experiencedas a result of morality or social repression, canfinally be enacted <strong>with</strong> divine spontaneity. In this way, theTantric adept doesn't leave a single hidden residue, a singleunsatisfied desire, a single dream remaining <strong>with</strong>in, thatcan't be discharged through the sadhanas. That's a majorpoint of the Tantric quest. All repression that isn't flushedout or satisfied produces beings tormented by the spirit.They will never achieve divine spontaneity. This is one ofthe reasons why Tantrism is sometimes misunderstood byHindus and probably also by Westerners who see an116

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