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matter of awakening. From now on, you are no longer on asearch for an abstract or remote state. You're searching fornothing that is not already <strong>with</strong>in you. This capacity fortotal wonder is the very substance of awakening. It is outof this and only this that you become a man. All the otherquests, all the other pleasures, are evasions.""But I thought that there was Awakening, <strong>with</strong> a capitalA, and only <strong>with</strong> that would come deliverance, the end ofillusion.""Between the awakening you know and the awakening Iknow, there's only one difference. That's duration. And whenyou realize that time doesn't exist, how can your awakeningtake refuge in a limited span of time?""There's no difference in intensity?""None. The intensity comes precisely from the fact thatthere's no end to it. There's no return to restrictive activity.All activity, all play of the mind takes place <strong>with</strong>in Awakening.Everything can enter and leave, everything can emerge,everything can be tasted in all its richness.""But why do we lose this capacity for wonder?""Because the little gray men come to reside in the consciousness.Education, society, sick love, hate, desire, jealousy,ambition, mental and material quests - all these thingsmake us strangers to ourselves. We think only of copying,imitating, achieving new states, and whether or not ourdesires are fulfilled, we lose the happiness <strong>with</strong>in us. Thenwe come to imagine heaven and hell separate from ourselves.This is a great subterfuge, which allows our consciousnessto function outside of ecstasy. If man knew thathe himself was God and heaven and hell, no illusions wouldhave a hold on him; nothing could limit his consciousness.52

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