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The Dravidians, seafaring people, built the great citiesof Mohenjo Daro and Harappa. Their civilization extendedfrom the Indus valley, in what is now Pakistan, to the RedSea and the Mediterranean. The invasion of Aryan tribesfrom the Ukraine, three thousand years ago, put an end tothe Dravidian civilization, but the formidable mysticalmovement underlying it survived. The masters fled theoccupied citadels and took up residence in the countrysideand in inaccessible places throughout the Himalayan mountainchain.Shivaic Tantrism reemerged openly at the beginning ofthe fourth century A.D. in Kashmir, located, naturally, at thecrossroads of the great cultural and commercial routes.Kashmir was part of the mysterious country of Oddiyana,situated between Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan. It includedthe valley of Swat, birthplace of numerousMahasiddhas and dakinis, great Tantric initiators whospread the doctrine throughout the rest of India, Nepal,China, and Tibet.Shiva and Shakti, the inseparable divine couple, are thegods of the ecstatic dance and the creators of the yoga thatallows adepts to rediscover the divine at the root of theirown minds by opening the heart. In the West, we usuallymove about in a universe based on duality: In the beginning,"God separated the light from the darkness" (Genesis1:3). It is essential to understand that Tantrism stands apartfrom all separation between light and darkness, humansand gods. It is non-dualistic. It considers the mind to befundamentally illuminated. Thus, the mind harbors all divinity.It is the source from which all is born and to whichall returns: all phenomena, all differentiations, all mythi-2

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