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principle doctrine, Pratyabhijna, means literally "to spontaneouslyrecognize the nature of one's own mind or Self."These four schools are of the "sudden" doctrine type andare described as anupaya, or non-ways. They are the outcomeand quintessence of yoga and Tantra.I had hoped to study <strong>with</strong> Dudjom Rinpoche, but the policeonly allowed foreigners a three-day visiting permit. This greatmaster sent me to one of the most impressive Kagyupa lamas,Kalou Rinpoche, who mainly transmitted Mahamudra andstayed in a more accessible region.Some days later I arrived at Sonada, where the infinitelykind expression of Kalou Rinpoche put me back in touch<strong>with</strong> spiritual reality. My misadventure, the loss of my work,was high comedy for the lamas. The monastery rocked inthe throes of collective laughter. Kalou Rinpoche told mesimply that the moment for publishing such a book hadbeen premature. Faced <strong>with</strong> this reminder of impermanence,I could direct myself, under his guidance, toward adeeper comprehension of the nature of my own mind.Karma - that is, action as well as its weight and consequences- had put me directly back on the path, thanks tothe intervention of a thief. All my spiritual adventures hadbeen caused by the theft in Delhi, and <strong>with</strong>out it, I wouldprobably have missed my greatest chance. With time, myhatred for the thief turned into acceptance and then intodeep gratitude. A few weeks later, Kalou Rinpoche gaveme my dharma name, Karma Sonam Tcheupel: One who isblessed by karma and who can seize the way.The months that followed were devoted to intense practice.I took in the daily teachings of Kalou Rinpoche as afirst initiation. I passed most of my time in Rinpoche's rooms16

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