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PP-I-33SYNTESIS GAS PRODUCTION ON NICKEL SUPPORTEDCATALYSTS IN OXIDATIVE CONVERSION OF METHANEManiecki T.P., Bawolak-Olczak K., Mierczyński P., Jóźwiak W.K.Technical University of Lodz, ul. Zeromskiego 116, 90-924 Lodz, kbawolak@p.lodz.plINTRODUCTIONSyngas can be used as a key feedstock for many processes like Fischer- Tropschsynthesis, methanol synthesis and others [1]. The partial oxidation of methane - POM(CH 4 + ½O 2 → CO + 2H 2 ) and the oxy-steam reforming of methane - OSR(CH 4 + 0,5-xO 2 + xH 2 O → 1-xCO + 2-0,5xH 2 ) are energy-effective processes forsynthesis gas production. The supported Ni/Al 2 O 3 catalysts are usually used in theoxidative conversion of methane because of their low cost and good catalytic activity [2].The disadvantage of this catalytic system is low resistance to carbon deactivation [3].The aim of this work was modification of Ni/Al 2 O 3 catalyst active phase andsupport to get highly active and selective catalytical materials. The mono5%Ni/Cr 2 O 3 ⋅ Al 2 O 3 and bimetallic 5%Ni-2%Au/Cr 2 O 3 ⋅ Al 2 O 3 catalysts wereinvestigated in POM and OSR reactions.EXPERIMENTALThe binary co-precipitated support Cr 2 O 3 ⋅ Al 2 O 3 was obtain using appropriatemixture of aqueous solution (Cr(NO 3 ) 3 ⋅9H 2 O and Al(NO 3 ) 3 ⋅9H 2 O) and after removal ofexcessive water it was dried and calcined at 400°C/4h/air. The supported catalysts5%Ni/Cr 2 O 3 ⋅ Al 2 O 3 and 5%Ni-2%Au/Cr 2 O 3 ⋅ Al 2 O 3 were prepared by wetimpregnation method of precursors: Ni(NO 3 ) 2 ⋅6H 2 O and HAuCl 4 . Catalysts were driedand calcined at 400°C/4h/air [4]. POM and OSR activity tests were carried out in aflow quartz reactor in the temperature range 25-950°C with GC analysis. Thephysicochemical properties were studied by BET, TPR, XRD and ToF-SIMStechniques.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe POM reaction was investigated for substrates composition CH 4 :O 2 = 2:1while OSR with composition of reagents CH 4 :O 2 : H 2 O = 1 : 0,3 : 0,2. The both POMand OSR reaction started about 450°C. The CH 4 conversion was about 20% in thetemperature range 450-700°C and C a rapid decrease of methane was observed280

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