The Clinical Guide to Supportive and Palliative Care for HIV/AIDS

The Clinical Guide to Supportive and Palliative Care for HIV/AIDS

The Clinical Guide to Supportive and Palliative Care for HIV/AIDS

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A <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Supportive</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Palliative</strong> <strong>Care</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong> • Chapter 25: Prevention of Skin Breakdown26 picasTable 25-4: Braden Risk Assessment ToolSensoryPerceptionAbility <strong>to</strong> respondmeaningfully <strong>to</strong>pressure-relateddiscom<strong>for</strong>t1. Completely limited:Unresponsive (does not moan,flinch, or grasp) <strong>to</strong> painfulstimuli, due <strong>to</strong> diminished levelof consciousness or sedationOR limited ability <strong>to</strong> feel painover most body surfaceSCOREMoistureDegree <strong>to</strong> whichskin is exposed <strong>to</strong>moisture1. Constantly moist:Skin is kept moist almostconstantly by perspiration,urine, etc. Dampness isdetected every time patient ismoved or turned.ActivityDegree of physicalactivity2. Very limited:Responds only <strong>to</strong> painfulstimuli. Cannot communicatediscom<strong>for</strong>t except by moaningor restlessness OR has asensory impairment whichlimits the ability <strong>to</strong> feel pain ordiscom<strong>for</strong>t over ½ of body2. Very moist:Skin is often, but not always,moist. Linen must be changedat least once a shift.2. Chairfast:Ability <strong>to</strong> walk severely limitedor non-existent. Cannot bearown weight <strong>and</strong>/or must beassisted in<strong>to</strong> chair orwheelchair.2. Very limited:Makes occasional slightchanges in body or extremityposition but unable <strong>to</strong> makefrequent or significant changesindependently.3. Slightly limited:Responds <strong>to</strong> verbal comm<strong>and</strong>s,but cannot always communicatediscom<strong>for</strong>t or need <strong>to</strong> beturned OR has some sensoryimpairment, which limitsability <strong>to</strong> feel pain ordiscom<strong>for</strong>t in 1 or 2extremities.3. Occasionally moist:Skin is occasionally moist,requiring an extra linen changeapproximately once a day.3. Walks occasionally:Walks occasionally during day,but <strong>for</strong> very short distances,with or without assistance.Spends majority of each shift inbed or chair.3. Slightly limited:Makes frequent, though slightchanges in body or extremityposition independently.4. No impairment:Responds <strong>to</strong> verbal comm<strong>and</strong>s,has no sensory deficit whichwould limit ability <strong>to</strong> feel orvoice pain or discom<strong>for</strong>t.4. Rarely moist:Skin is usually dry, linen onlyrequires changing at routineintervals.4. Walks frequently:Walks outside the room at leasttwice a day <strong>and</strong> inside room atleast once every 2 hours duringwaking hours.4. No limitations:Makes major <strong>and</strong> frequentchanges in position withoutassistance.1. Bedfast:Confined <strong>to</strong> bed.MobilityAbility <strong>to</strong> change<strong>and</strong> control bodyposition1. Completely immobile:Does not make even slightchanges in body or extremityposition without assistance.508U.S. Department of Health <strong>and</strong> Human Services • Health Resources <strong>and</strong> Services Administration • <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong> Bureau

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