Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...


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<strong>Environmental</strong> and <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Framework</strong>dynamics by affecting the life cycle of plankton, and have corresponding effectson the rest of the food chain.Re-channelling of waterways is often undertaken as part of road construction toavoid flooding and make crossing structures simpler. In the process, naturalstreambeds are dug up and useful obstructions, including large boulders, areremoved. The same applies to shade trees on the banks. Frequently, the result isa straight, featureless channel, which may be an efficient evacuator of water, buthas little in the way of the eddies, shaded areas, sheltering ledges, andturbulence essential to the health and existence of so many aquatic species.Effects of stream re-channellingRoads may serve as barrier to movement of migratory aquatic species, especiallywhere culverts are used. Often migratory fish species are intensively fished/overfishedat sites where culverts and bridges tend to block the natural migratorypathways.4.3.3 Impacts on Socio-Economic Environsa. Loss of Productive LandThe most immediate effect of road development on soil is the elimination of theproductive capacity of the soil covered by roads. Unfortunately, the best sites forroad development (flat and stable) are also ideal for agriculture. The narrow andlinear character of road makes the impact of lost land seem minimal, but whenthe width of RoW is multiplied by its length, total area of land removed fromproduction becomes much more significant. It impacts on local economy, foodsufficiency of the area and have socio-economic implications, leakage of oil andlubricants and other chemicals on cultivable soil and communal water resources.Soil productivity can also be reduced significantly as a result of compaction withheavy machinery during construction leakage of oil and lubricants and otherchemicals on soil etc.b. Land and Property Acquisition, Compensation, Resettlement andRehabilitationRoad development often requires the procurement of privately owned land. Thisland has to be acquired by the government from its current owners. While it issometimes possible to negotiate a price for voluntary sale of a property,governments often have to use their rights to compulsory acquisition of propertiesfor public projects. By its nature, expropriation may cause economic losses andsocial and psychological disruption for the affected individuals and their families.Chapter 4-20 April 2007

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