Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...


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<strong>Environmental</strong> and <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Framework</strong>/maintaining roads because of increasing traffic demand, consider designimprovement in the pavement condition and geometry of the road,- As applicable, provide proper signage on sections with increasedaccident rates, ant at sites with critical slope development. Includeappropriate speed-limit measures (road police patrolling andenforcement, speed bumpers).c. Control Air, Noise and Water PollutionIncreased traffic movements on the road will invariably cause incrementalpollution due to vehicular emission and dusts. The movement of vehicles willincrease local noise levels. Similarly, disposal of oil and grease of water bodysurface run-off from road surface may cause water pollution. Depending on thesituation, corrective measures to mitigate such impacts may include:- Community and road user awareness programs should be organized toenhance public understanding on how individuals can contribute toreduce environmental impacts associated with road uses;- Provide proper signage on accident-prone spots, and include appropriatespeed-limit measures (road police patrolling and enforcement, speedbumpers);- Control and enforce vehicle emission standards, and stipulate vehicleowners to engage in proper and regular vehicle maintenance;- Ensure proper use and sale of (clean fuel) at local pump stations;- For control of dust nuisance, sprinkling of water, speed limit of vehicleand vegetative barrier of earthen bounds should be designed.- In congested settlement and sensitive areas (Schools, health posts,hospitals) consider sealed surface of the road for the stretch it passthrough the sensitive area. Include appropriate roadside planting (bushes,hedges, trees) where possible, to enhance absorption of vehicleemissions by the plants.d. Control of Cross-Drainage Outfall and GulliesCross-drainage outfall and gullies will be carrying concentrated water dischargefrom the respective catchments. They could lead to the downstream erosion ifoutfall area is not protected or guided properly. This impact is more severe in hillroads. Depending on the situation, measures to mitigate such impacts mayinclude:- Provide proper signage on spots with (seasonal) drainage problems, andinclude appropriate speed-limit measures (road police patrolling andenforcement, speed bumpers);- Road-side and the gullies shall be connected to the natural drains withprotected outfall.- Regular maintenance of the drains shall be carried out and blockagescleared; use local community members contracted for such works.e. Depletion of Forest ResourcesRoad development often induces or accelerates the pressure on forestresources. Counteract measures are difficult to realize, but to some extent thefollowing mitigation mechanisms may be successful:- Provide support to local communities for preserving their forest especiallythe community forestry;- Promote homestead activities to cultivate non-timber-forest products (e.g.medicinal plants, ornamental plants, ornamental animal farming,mushroom cultivation, bamboo);April 2007 Chapter 6-23

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