Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...


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<strong>Environmental</strong> and <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Framework</strong>Filtering role of vegetation• Compensatory Measures:- Provision of farmland improvements or more economic space for farmerswhose crop options have been restricted, or whole soil has beencontaminated due to movement of heavy vehicles during construction;- Provide adequate fund to be used in additional cleaning and maintenanceof important buildings and monuments;- Improvement of local health care facilities which will aid in treatment ofpollution-related ailments;- Promote community development programs that aim at reducing indoorpollution by introduction of more efficient and less smoke-producingcooking techniques.l. Control of Noise Pollutions• Preventive Measures:- Select route alignment of road away from populated areas, school, healthposts, temples and other sensitive areas;- Take measures to reduce traffic congestion by preventing encroachment;- By-pass can keep traffic out of settlements, near school and healthcentres;- Carry out road checks to identify faulty vehicles.- The Contractor must use good condition vehicles with appropriatelymaintenance and having proper silencer;- Avoid placement of quarry and borrow pit access, stockpile access,construction sites near settlements residential areas, school andworkplaces;• Mitigative Measures:- All heavy equipment and machinery shall be fitted with noise pollutioncontrol devices that are operating correctly;- Application of bituminous layer produce less noise than over wornconcrete surface or open-graded asphalt or avoiding surface dressings insensitive areas;- Avoid steep grades and sharp bends to reduce noise during design andconstruction;- Provide ear mufflers to construction crew working at high noise exposureareas;- Use noise barriers. They are most effective if they break the line of sightbetween the noise source and the receptors being protected, and if theyare thick enough to absorb or reflect the noise received. Various materialsand barrier, façade patterns can be used to obtain maximum reflection,Chapter 6-12 April 2007

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