Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...


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<strong>Environmental</strong> and <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Framework</strong>• Reporting claims brought forward by PAPs to higher authorities• Reporting to higher authorities on direct and indirect observations onproject-induced impacts.• Facilitation and promotion of employment of vulnerable groups andSPAPs.• Participation in the <strong>Environmental</strong> Audit.7) Department of ArchaeologyThis Department has responsibility for all aspects relating to historical sites andassets that may be affected by any intended projects. The DoR guidelines statethat the Department of Archaeology must be informed when a road alignment islocated within 50 m of a cultural or religious site. They may be involved in thefinalisation of IEE/EIA studies. The Department must also be notified immediatelyby the contractor and the Project <strong>Management</strong>/ Supervision Engineer in caseswhere the excavation works detect archaeological items. In such cases,excavations must stop immediately, until the Department gives approval forcontinuing the works or requires conservation of the site 2 .9.1.2 ConsultantsThere has been a consulting industry in Nepal for about three decades. However,environmental assessments are still new and unfamiliar to many firms. Under theproposed sector-wide road development works, the proponent (DoR) will appointa qualified consulting firm to carry out the environmental and social assessmentworks. Similarly, expert consultants would also be engaged to carry outenvironmental compliance monitoring of the EMAP, the RAP and the VCDP.Furthermore, the consultants have responsibility for supervising all social andenvironmental safeguard measures outlined in the EMAP/RAP. They haveresponsibility to verify that all safeguards are reflected correctly and clear in thebidding documents, in the BoQs and in the works contracts.9.1.3 ContractorsThe capacity of the construction industry has been increasing in terms ofequipments and human resources in Nepal. However, it is noted that in general,contractors have not yet developed adequate sensitivity for environmentalprotection, nor awareness of its importance.The main responsibilities of contractors during the implementation of road relatedprojects include undertaking construction works in accordance with the biddingdocuments, including compliance with this EMP and social safeguard measures,prepared during EIA / IEE Studies, and those identified in the RAP and theVCDP. Contractors are, among others, responsible for occupational health andsafety measures.2 Note that contract clauses must make provisions for adequate regulation of defect liabilities incase of such findings, causing delay of works beyond the control of the contractor.Chapter 9-4 April 2007

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