Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...


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<strong>Environmental</strong> and <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Framework</strong>Disruption of natural land contours and vegetation resulting in acceleratederosion, landslides, disturbance in natural drainage patterns, siltation of surfacewaters, ponding and water logging, and water pollution are the potential adverseimpacts of quarry and borrow pits operation. General scouring of river bedsresulting in endangerment of bridges and continuous degradation of the riverregime are also potential impacts of quarry operation.j. Stone Crushing PlantsStone crushing plants are temporary work sites, occurring during constructionand rehabilitation of roads. They are normally established in quarries and riverbeds from where the stones are derived. In addition, stones are often broken forrural roads by hands in these locations by labour force. The operation of crushingplants and stone breaking by labour causes inconvenience to nearby settlementsin terms of air and noise pollution. Siltation and pollution of surface waterresulting from uncontrolled runoff from storage piles, and damage to the localcrops and surface water are also potential impacts. Excessive noise and dustfrom the plant will create disturbance to nearby settlements, school, health postsetc. Crushing plant site is also a high risk area for accidents and injuries. Also,there will be continuous flow of heavy vehicles for carrying the materials toconstruction sites. If their path is along school and busy market area, there willalways be potential risk of serious accidents.k. Stockpiling of Materials and Disposal of Spoil MaterialConstruction materials are usually stockpiled for relatively short period withoutcovering. It is often done on river beds or river banks, forest area, open spaces,and cultivated land. This situation may lead to environmental degradation interms of air pollution, land pollution, pollution of surface water and permanentchanges of land use if not rehabilitated after the completion of constructionworks. Standing crop or future cultivation on land is disrupted. If not appropriatelystockpiled with drainage facility, rain water can carry the sediment into waterbodies affecting their quality as well as aquatic life.Surplus construction material, cut material, drainage cleaning debris, andlandslide mass (spoil) can cause significant environmental hazards, mainly on theadjacent hydrology and habitats if they are side-tipped downhill withoutappropriate spoil management. This impact occurs both during construction andmaintenance operations. Among the common negative consequences areoverloads instable areas causing slope instability and slides, smothering andremoval of trees, vegetation and topsoil, causes or promote erosion, killvegetation, destruction of private property, crops and irrigation systems atfoothills, disrupt natural drainages and surface water sources, and pollute water.l. Air PollutionAir pollution due to vehicle emission (particulate matter, nitrogen oxides,hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, lead, aldehydes) and dust raisedby plying of construction vehicles and operation of machineries, crushing plantetc. may cause nuisance to roadside walkers and nearby residents (Table 4.2).Dust layer accumulates on the leaves of roadside vegetation limiting their growthand assimilation capacities, and affects the roadside settlements. Many of the airpolluting agents re known to cause respiratory and eye disease to peopleexposed for long duration. Roadside tea shops and cafeterias usually keep foodin open, over which dust layer naturally settles. This is directly consumed bypeople. Although the evidence of concrete health hazards is often not known, it isdefinitely not hygienic, and may cause stomach ailments. Dust may considerablyaffect school going children, school and health posts besides the road. Lowquality of fuel, age and poor quality of vehicles, lead from petrol engines are theChapter 4-14 April 2007

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