Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...


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<strong>Environmental</strong> and <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Framework</strong>- Promote replacement of firewood by non-forest energy source such asmicro hydro, bio-gas and solar energy;- Introduce or promote energy-saving and improved models for cookingstoves.- Introduce selected and alternative building material for houses;- Encourage and support local community for controlling illegal harvestingof forest resources;f. Collision and Disturbance Afflicting WildlifeAccidents inflicting wildlife is an almost inevitable risk associated with roadspassing through remote and forested areas. Among the proved mitigationmeasures are:- Alert drivers of possible wildlife crossing: Provide proper signage wherethe road transects sensitive habitats and include appropriate speed-limitmeasures (education signboards, road police patrolling and enforcement,speed bumpers).- Lower speed limit at sensitive sections during night hours as wildlife ismore prone to be inflicted in road accidents when disturbed by vehicleheadlights;- In cases where protection of rare or endangered species is of highimportance, impacts may be mitigated through translocation them inhomologous habitat of nearby vicinity. Such actions should be based ondetailed studies and carried only by experts.- Local community, forest user groups, school going children should begiven awareness training on protection of forest and wildlife.Consequently, the chances of harassing, poaching or trapping of wildlifewill be reduced.- In case certain road sections will cause repeated or incremental risks ofwildlife collision, rehabilitation works may be considered to incorporatewildlife under passages.- Other effective prevention means include the erection of roadside fencesthat will prevent terrestrial wildlife entering the road corridor. However, theestablishment of fences needs to be implemented with caution as thismay severely impact migratory species or species travelling to feedingand breeding habitats across the road 2 . Wildlife fence establishmentneeds therefore an adequate study of possible effects on the local fauna,taking into full account a full season of observation on migratory species.- Roadside reflectors may be used to scare animals away from theroadway when vehicles approach at night.g. Control of Ribbon Settlement along the Road and Encroachmentin the RoWOnce a road passing through new (remote) lands is completed there are likelychances of growing ribbon settlements and undesired squatter development.Apart from land-use and other social conflicts, this will cause congestions to roadusers and increased accident risks.Mitigative measures depend much on the local government ability for good landuseplanning and governance to discourage and/or remove such newly upcomingsettlements along the road. Effective means include:2Fencing may also simply shift the points of migratory road crossing to other areas (e.g.settlement) where other types of impacts would then be the consequence Fencing may alsosometimes interfere in predator-prey relationships, allowing predators to gain significantadvantage because prey escape routes are restricted.Chapter 6-24 April 2007

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