Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...


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<strong>Environmental</strong> and <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Framework</strong>PAPs’ participation should also be ensured during final assessment ofcompensation, resettlement and monitoring.Details of these consultations including dates, names of participants, issuesraised and how these have been addressed will be documented in the subprojectRAPs.7.5.2 Establishment of Grievance Redress MechanismsFor each sub-project a grievance redress mechanism will be established to allowAPs to appeal any disagreeable decisions, practices and Activities arising fromcompensation for land, assets settlements, and technical and general projectrelateddisputes. The APs will be made fully aware of their rights and theprocedures for doing so verbally and in writing during consultation, survey, andtime of compensation.For each sub-project, there is the potential for two types of grievances:grievances related to land acquisition and resettlement requirements, andgrievances related to compensation or entitlement.The APs will have access to both locally constructed grievances redresscommittees specified under existing government mechanism i.e. LCF and formalcourts of appeal system. Under the latter system every AP can appeal to thecourt if they feel that they are not compensated appropriately. They may appealto appellate court within 35 days of the public notice given to them.Special project grievance mechanisms such as on site provision of complainhearings allows project affected persons to get fair treatment on time. The LCFwill be established in each road affected VDC to handle initial grievances of theproject-affected people. The Project will handle issues regarding thecompensation damages done during construction. The APs will have unhinderedaccess to the Grievance Office to forward and file their complains without beingintimidated or being deterred by excessive bureaucratic hurdles. The provisionsof Local Community Liaison Assistant (CLA) in the project implementation aregood practices in this regard. CLA can be mobilised in order to help APs to filethe complaints and concerns to the concerned agency. APs will be exempt fromall administrative fees incurred, pursuant to the grievance redressal proceduresexcept for cases filed in court.A three-stage procedure for redress of grievances is proposed for theforthcoming sub-projects (see Box 1)Proposed Mechanisms for Grievance ResolutionBox 1Stage 1: Complaints of APs on any aspect of compensation, relocation, orunaddressed losses shall in first instance be settled verbally or inwritten form in field based project office (PO).The complaint can bediscussed in an informal meeting with the AP by the concernedpersonnel to settle the issues at the VDC level. The communityconsultation, involvement of social and resettlement experts andNGOs will be helpful in this regard. It will be the responsibility of theLCF and project manager to resolve the issue within 15 days fromthe date of the complaint received.Stage 2: If no understanding or amicable solution reached or no response fromthe PO, the AP can appeal to the CDC. While lodging the complaint,the AP must produce documents to support his/her claim. The CDCwill provide the decision within 15 days of registering the appeal.Stage 3: If the AP is not satisfied with the decision of CDC or in the absence ofany response of its representatives, within 35 days of the complaint,the AP, in his/her last resort, may submit its case to the District Court.April 2007 Chapter 7-15

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