Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...


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<strong>Environmental</strong> and <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Framework</strong>Dust and emissions from asphalt mixing plants is a significant pollution problem,although more of localized and temporary nature (over a period of months). Acurrent example of this is the plant situated near Naubise for the rehabilitation ofthe Thankot-Naubise road, which affected a relatively wide area of the valley. Inplaces it seems that the local community tolerated this kind of intrusion onaccount of the large number of jobs created during its operation. Elsewhere cashcompensation is demanded.. During the reconstruction of Malekhu-Mugling road,the project had to contribute for extension of a school building at Charaundi inreturn for access to a nearby river bank site to locate there an asphalt plant.Air pollution isintercepted by localbuildings, monumentsand cultural heritagesites, which aregenerally stained,corroded and dirtiedas a result. They areinhaled directly fromair or ingested whenhuman eat food cropsgrown near busy roadsand which have hadparticulates settled onthem. They areThe emission propagation processingested whenhumans touch surfaces in their environment and then make contact with theirmouths while eating or playing. Lead commonly finds its way into children’sbodies in this way. Pollutants are washed out of the air by falling raindrops andfall as acid precipitation.m. Noise PollutionRoad construction and maintenance generally require the use of heavymachinery and crusher plants. Noise associated with road development has fourmain sources: (i) vehicles (engines, transmission, exhaust and suspension); (ii)friction between tire of vehicles and road surface; (iii) driver behaviour (excessivehonking, loud music, shouting at each other, causing tire to squeal by suddenbreaking or acceleration); and (v) construction and maintenance activity.Although the construction activities are intermittent and localized, theynevertheless contribute to significant amounts of sustained noise duringequipment operation. Chronic noise exposure can be a source of nuisance,creating communication problems and leading to elevated stress levels as well asassociated behavioural and health effects. It can cause auditory fatigue,temporary and permanent lessening of hearing ability, sleep disorders, and cancontribute to learning problems in children.Noise may prevent many animal species from approaching or crossing roadcorridors because they are afraid. As a result, road corridor becomes a barrier toregular wildlife migration routes, and effectively rendering roadside habitat areasinaccessible to some species. Such disturbance reduces the success of thesespecies and contributes to ecological alteration. Livestock and wildlife mayexperience breeding problems and other forms of behavioural disturbances.The vibration induced by the resonance of traffic noise can have a detrimentaleffect on structures standing near the road. This is of particular concern in thecase of cultural heritage sites.Chapter 4-16 April 2007

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