Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...


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<strong>Environmental</strong> and <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Framework</strong>Chapter 88 Vulnerable Community Development <strong>Framework</strong>8.1 IntroductionThe Sector Wide Road Program and Priority Investment Plan (SWRP & PIP)aims to carry out detailed technical and economic feasibility studies for newconstruction, upgrading and improvement of some 815 Km. The key objective ofthe study is to generate the total length of all weather national grid of roadnetworks comprising both strategic and rural roads to allow accessibility to thepopulace not farther than four hours walk in the hills and two hours walk in theTerai. The project aims to carry out technical and economic feasibility studies fornew construction, upgrading and improvement (rehabilitation) of selectedstrategic road network.During the project implementation, the project may affect vulnerable people’scommunities in the areas of the planned sub-projects. Therefore, a VulnerableCommunity Development Policy <strong>Framework</strong> needs to be prepared as aprecautionary measure to define the policy, institutional and implementationframework to address impacts on vulnerable communities throughout the variousstages of the foreseen sub-projects.<strong>Social</strong> field surveys are carried out by the project’s Consultants to identify allareas and sites where there will be adverse impact on vulnerable communities,especially where land acquisition and resettlement might be needed. In suchcases a Vulnerable Community Development Plan (VCDP) will be developed toaddress particularly the needs of such vulnerable people. The Plan will makeprovisions to ensure meaningful consultations of target beneficiaries in all stagesof the project, and to develop suitable assistance in accordance with the specificpriorities and habits of those groups.8.2 Implications for the SRN ProgramThe two major fields where the forthcoming road development projects potentiallyaffect the entire local population are land acquisition and resettlement. In additionthere are many other likely risks associated with the road construction works thatmay particularly impinge on vulnerable communities living in the zone of influenceof the sub-project areas.Issues of resettlement and vulnerable community support must therefore beaddressed simultaneously within the framework or process. The framework forVCDP is prepared for the study project under the MoPPW/DoR in compliancewith the World Bank1 OP 4.10 and 4.12 on Indigenous Peoples and InvoluntaryResettlement Policies, and the GoN’s legal provisions and policies on thevulnerable communities. The VCDP <strong>Framework</strong> will be applicable to all subprojectsunder the SRN Program where construction work may possibly affect1 Equally taking into due account ADB’s policies and operational manuals on the same subjectsApril 2007 Chapter 8-1

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