Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...


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<strong>Environmental</strong> and <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Framework</strong>Parameters Indicators Location Method SourcesFacility of first aidRecords fromInterview,emergency servicesProject Sitecontractors andrecordsprovidedlocal peopleResettlementSuccess/FailureDamages andCompensationCoordination andCommunicationSocio-economicChangeLocal PriceEscalationCompensation to the loss oflife or disabilityStatus and living condition ofdisplaced or affectedpersonsTypes of damages onpersonal propertiesDamages to localinfrastructures such as foottrail, irrigation, etcCompensation formaintenance andrehabilitation ofinfrastructuresLosses caused by blasting,vibration and noisecompensation paidCoordination among localauthorities, projects,contractors, laborInformation Dissemination tolocal people about theprojectChange in land use patternChange in local economy(changes in standard ofliving)Rise in price of essentialcommodities as compare tobefore the projectProject SiteProject Siteand/orResettlementSite(s)Project siteand its vicinityWithin theproject areaProject AreaProject AreaOffice of localauthoritiesCBOsHeadquartersProject Siteand vicinityProject AreaProject AreaInterview,recordsInterviews,detailed HHsurveys,incomeanalyses,grievancerecordsInterview andobservationInterview andobservationInterview andRecordsInterview andRecordsRecordsMeetingsInterview/surveyInterview/surveyRecords fromcontractors, DDCand local peopleHH survey data,local statistics andadministrationoffices, photosLocal People,observation,records, PhotosLocal People,observation,records, PhotosLocal People,observation,records, PhotosLocal People,observation,records, PhotosLocal authority,CBO/NGO andother stakeholdersLocal PeopleLocal people, VDC,Photos + SatelliteImages / GIS MapsLocal people, VDCLocal Market Market Survey Local people, VDC2.3 <strong>Environmental</strong> Code of PracticeAn important aspect in securing the incorporation of environmental and socialsustainability in any road development project in the country is to adhere to theextent possible to a Good Code of Practice 3 . The addressing of environmentalissues in the forthcoming SRN sub-projects shall therefore adhere to specificcode of practice which is detailed in Annex 2 of this ESMF.It is suggested to use this Annex as a field guide to planners, engineers,contractors and those involved in supervision and monitoring to incorporatecommonsense as well as critical thinking and established technical solutions inthe project design and implementation arrangements. It is believed, that theincorporation of the proposed procedures will yield tangible benefits for longperiods in terms of environmental and financial sustainability.3 This Code of Conduct has also been utilized in a WB-financed program relating to the RuralAccess Improvement and Decentralization Project DoLIDAR, 2005Chapter 2-36 April 2007

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