Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...


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<strong>Environmental</strong> and <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Framework</strong>7.7 Institutional Responsibilities and Implementation Arrangements for RAP7.7.1 Key Agencies at Different LevelAt central level, the Ministry of Physical Planning and Works (MoPPW) will be theExecuting Agency (EA) and Department of Roads (DoR) will be the ImplementingAgency (IA) for this Sector Wide Road Program. For all sub-projects forthcomingunder this Program a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) will be established atDoR, headed by the Project Manager (PM). This PIU will be responsible for theoverall planning, implementation and coordination of the sub-projects. All aspectsrelating to resettlement and land acquisition activities will be addressed in closeconsultation and collaboration of the GESU of DoR (see below).At District and village level, offices of various line ministries such as Home,Physical Planning and Works, Agriculture and Co-operatives, Forest, Health,Education and Sports and others will be consulted during RAP implementation.Similarly, CBOs, NGOs and Civil Society of the concerned project area willequally be considered during the preparation and the implementation of the RAP.The roles of key agencies involved are illustrated in Fig. 7.1.Fig. 7.1: Diagram of key agencies involved in the resettlement processfor rural road development projectsMinistry pf Physical Planningand WorksDepartmentofRoadsProjectImplementation UnitConsultantGeo-Environmentand <strong>Social</strong> UnitSen. ResettlementExpertResettlementExpertDistrict Officeof DoRLocal AuthoritiesChief District OfficerNGOs /CBOsCompensationFixationCommitteeLocalConsultativeForumDisputeResolutionOfficeProject-AffectedPeopleentitled for Resettlementand CompensationChapter 7-20 April 2007

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