Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...


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<strong>Environmental</strong> and <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Framework</strong>micro-enterprises, poultry, fishery/fish culture, bee-keeping, livestockraising, storing wood in the women’s sheds , NTFPs, community forestryschemes etc.);• Literacy courses to women;• Hygiene and sanitation campaigns;• Saving and credit schemes;• Nursery establishment, plantation of fodder and fruit trees, improvedgrasses;• Improved hill farming techniques and soil protection measures againsterosion and mineral depletion.8.6 Institutional Responsibilities and Implementation Arrangement8.6.1 Linkage and Overall Responsibilities for Implementing the VCDPThe Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and the VCDP will be implementedsimultaneously in close coordination with each other. The Ministry of PhysicalPlanning and Work (MoPPW) will be the Executing Agency (EA) and Departmentof Roads (DoR) will be the Implementing Agency (IA) for the entire SWRP. AProject Implementation Unit (PIU) at DoR, headed by the Project Manager (PM)will be established at the central department, which will be responsible for theoverall planning, implementation and coordination of the proposed sub-project aswell as the overall SRN Program. The same unit and institutional arrangementestablished within DoR for RAP implementation will also be responsible toimplement the VCDP activities.8.6.2 Contracting Experienced NGOsSince vulnerable peoples’ issues are sensitive, a local NGO experienced invulnerability issues and livelihood restoration will be hired. This NGO will work aspartner organization with the Engineering Supervision Consultant to providefeedback and facilitation services for implementation of the proposed VCDPactivities. The project leadership has to ensure that the NGO is familiar with thepolicies of GoN, World Bank, ADB and other donor agencies’ requirement onvulnerable communities.The Senior Resettlement/ <strong>Social</strong> Development Expert will seek support fromDistrict project support units, Local Consultative Forums and the field offices ofthe Consultant to collaborate with the partner NGO will execute and monitor theprogress of the work. S/He will ensure coordination between the relevantdepartments, organizations, NGO and the vulnerable groups. Another core taskof this expert is to ensure that gender discrimination will be avoided by all supportprograms considered.8.7 VCDP BudgetEach sub-project VCDP will have, as applicable, its own budget. A detailedbudget will be prepared by the consultant taking into account of all activitiesassociated with the formulation and implementation of the VCDP. The budget willinclude cost associated with recommended program activities, human resourcecost, monitoring and other associated cost. Such budgets will be an integral partof the project cost, to be included in the cost item for <strong>Environmental</strong> and <strong>Social</strong><strong>Management</strong> costs.The budget will be made available during project implementation. The EA willensure that adequate budget is available to implement VCDP. The EA will alsoApril 2007 Chapter 8-7

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