Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...

Environmental & Social Management Framework - About ...


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<strong>Environmental</strong> and <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Framework</strong>B. Donor Agencies3.8 Relevant Policies and Guidelines of World BankWith respect to <strong>Environmental</strong> Strategies the World Bank pursues threeinterrelated objectives:(1) Improving the quality of life(2) Improving the prospects for and the quality of growth(3) Protecting the quality of the regional and global environmentalcommons.Concerning Safeguard Policies, the operations of World Bank are guided by acomprehensive set of policies and procedures, taking into account the Bank’score development objectives and goals, the instrument for pursuing them, andspecific requirements for Bank financed operations. The core of this guidance liesin the Operational Policies (OPs) which are short, focused statements that followfrom the Bank’s Articles of Agreement, its general conditions and from policiesspecifically approved by the Board. Within the overall set of Operational Policies,Bank has identified ten key policies that are critical to ensuring that potentiallyadverse environmental and social consequences are identified, minimized andmitigated. These ten policies are known as the “<strong>Environmental</strong> and <strong>Social</strong>Safeguard Policies” and receive particular attention during the Project preparationand approval process. These Operational Policies are short and focusedstatements that follow the Bank’s Article of Agreement, the general condition andpolicies approved by the Board. Safeguard policies are mechanisms forintegration of environmental and social issues into decision making. It supportsparticipatory approaches and transparency. They provide a set of specializedtools to support development processes as follows:3.8.1 <strong>Environmental</strong> Assessment EA (OP 4.01)The objectives of EAs are to (i) ensure that the projects proposed for Bankfinancing are environmentally and socially sound and sustainable; (ii) informdecision makers of the nature of environmental and social risks; and (iii) increasetransparency and participation of decision makers in the decision-makingprocess. To satisfy the Bank’s <strong>Environmental</strong> Assessment requirements, thereare various instruments suggested including EIA, <strong>Environmental</strong> Audit,<strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Management</strong> Plan etc. Any World Bank project, which is likely tohave potential adverse environmental risks and impacts in its area of influence,requires an <strong>Environmental</strong> Analysis, indicating the potential risks, mitigationmeasures and environmental management framework or plan.For ascertaining which extent and type of environmental assessment is required,the Bank undertakes environmental screening of each proposed project. TheBank classifies the Project in to one of the four categories depending upon thetype (project or specific components have inherent environmental risks), location(proximity to environmentally, socially and culturally important areas), sensitivity(potential impacts may be irreversible or environment sensitive to changes, andscale (extent of environmental and social issues) of the project and the natureand magnitude of its potential environmental impacts:o Category A: if it is likely to have significant adverse environmentalimpacts that are sensitive, diverse or unprecedented.These impacts may affect an area broader than the sites orfacilities subject to physical works. This is where EIA islevel study is needed.o Category B: if potential adverse impacts are less adverse than those ofCategory A projects; these impacts are site specific; few inany of them are irreversible; and in most cases mitigationChapter 3-16 April 2007

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