8th Liquid Matter Conference September 6-10, 2011 Wien, Austria ...

8th Liquid Matter Conference September 6-10, 2011 Wien, Austria ...

8th Liquid Matter Conference September 6-10, 2011 Wien, Austria ...


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Wed 711:<strong>10</strong>-14:00P5.97Connecting sticky ends: numerical study ofDNA-mediated colloidal interactions and phase behaviorMirjam Leunissen 1 and Daan Frenkel 21 FOM Institute AMOLF, Science Park <strong>10</strong>4, <strong>10</strong>98 XG, Amsterdam, Netherlands2 University of Cambridge, Cambridge, NetherlandsOver the past decade, surface functionalization with DNA ’sticky ends’ has been actively investigatedas a method for guiding the self-assembly of nano- and micrometer-sized particles intocomplex larger-scale structures. However, progress has been hampered by the lack of quantitativeunderstanding of the DNA-mediated interactions. We present results of Monte Carlo simulationsthat provide explicit expressions for the pair-interaction as a function of the DNA grafting density,the binding strength of the sticky ends and the size of the particles. Based on the calculatedinteraction potentials, we expect that gas-liquid coexistence only occurs for particles with radiismaller than a few tens of nanometers, which may explain the experimentally observed differencesin crystallization behavior between nanoparticle systems and micrometer-sized colloids. Wealso highlight the (under-appreciated) role that entropic effects play in the interaction between thesurface-tethered DNA sticky ends or, more generally, any tethered binding group. The entropiccontributions have a magnitude similar to the bulk hybridization free energy and they can thusconsiderably change the effective tethered sticky-end binding strength. The presented method andresults should provide direct guidelines for the rational design of new self-assembling materialswith DNA as a ’smart glue’. Moreover, the same fundamental insights apply to any other systemwith interactions mediated by tethered binding groups, for instance in the area of biorecognitionand drug targeting.97

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