8th Liquid Matter Conference September 6-10, 2011 Wien, Austria ...

8th Liquid Matter Conference September 6-10, 2011 Wien, Austria ...

8th Liquid Matter Conference September 6-10, 2011 Wien, Austria ...


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Thu 811:<strong>10</strong>-14:00P7.45Hard sphere fluid in random hard sphere matrix: a newapproach of scaled particle theoryMyroslav Holovko, 1 Taras Patsahan, 1 and Wei Dong 21 Institute for Condensed <strong>Matter</strong> Physics, National Aademy of Sciences of Ukraine,1 Svientsitskii Street 79011, Lviv, Ukraine2 Laboratoire de Chimie, UMR 5182 CNRS, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Lyon,FranceBased on a new and consistent formulation of the scaled particle theory for a fluid confined indisordered porous media a series of analytical results is obtained [1]. A developed approachallows us to derive equation of state for a hard sphere fluid in two types of a random hard spherematrix. Also, this approach is extended to one- and two- dimensional systems. In order toassess analytical calculations, extensive Monte-Carlo simulations in grand canonical ensembleare carried out. Detailed comparison of the results obtained shows an excellent accuracy of ourequations of state at low and middle fluid density regions, while for high densities there is someerror which quickly decreases with an increase of matrix particle sizes. To our knowledge, thepresent approach gives the most accurate analytical equations of state among currently availablefor a hard sphere fluid confined in a random porous matrix.[1] T. Patsahan, M. Holovko, W. Dong, J. Chem. Phys. 134, 074503 (<strong>2011</strong>).45

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