8th Liquid Matter Conference September 6-10, 2011 Wien, Austria ...

8th Liquid Matter Conference September 6-10, 2011 Wien, Austria ...

8th Liquid Matter Conference September 6-10, 2011 Wien, Austria ...


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Tue 611:23-14:00P9.51Scaling equation of non-equilibrium liquid system atcritical stateYuriy Ostapchuk, 1 Oleksander Alekhin, 1 Bakhyt Abdikarimov, 1 Leonid Bulavin, 1and Evgen Rudnikov 11 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Physics, prosp. Glushkova, 4,03022, Kyiv, UkraineEquilibration kinetics for inhomogeneous binary methanol-hexane solution under gravity has beenstudied in the work by using refractometry technique above the consolute critical temperature,T > T c [1]. Analysis of height and time dependencies of refractive index gradient values,dn/dz(z,t), has allowed to conclude that analogous equilibrium properties of substance forcertain temperatures θ = (T − T c )/T c correspond to some non-equilibrium characteristics ofsolution at different times t. Proceeding from the qualitatively same time dn/dz(z,t) ∼ t −x ,(x = 0.54), and temperature dependencies dn/dz(z,θ) ∼ θ −γ , (γ = 5/4), the scaling equationsof non-equilibrium fluid under gravity were suggested:dn= dz θ−γ and f 1 (z ∗ ) = t −nγ f 1(z ′ ∗′ ).Here f 1 (z ∗ ) and f ′ 1(z ∗′ ) are scaling functions of scaling arguments z ∗ = z/θ βδ and z ∗′ = z/n βδrespectively (here γ, β, δ are the critical exponents of the fluctuation theory [1]).[1] Patashinskii A. Z. , Pokrovskii V. L. Fluctuation theory of phase transition. Pergamon,Oxford, 1979.51

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