8th Liquid Matter Conference September 6-10, 2011 Wien, Austria ...

8th Liquid Matter Conference September 6-10, 2011 Wien, Austria ...

8th Liquid Matter Conference September 6-10, 2011 Wien, Austria ...


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Wed 711:<strong>10</strong>-14:00P5.151Light scattering on gold nanorods at an oil/waterinterfaceReinhard Sigel, 1 Tahereh Mokhtari, 1 Herve Dietsch, 1 and Peter Schurtenberger 21 University Fribourg, Adolphe Merkle Institute, Chemin du Musee 3 CH-1700, Fribourg,Switzerland2 Lund University, Lund, SwedenGold Nanorods of 39 nm length and 12 nm diameter were investigated by evanescent wavedynamic light scattering (EWDLS) [1, 2] at an heptane/water interface. Three relaxation modeswere identified in the measured autocorrelation functions. A fast rotation diffusion is accompaniedby two slower modes, which are affected by both, interface diffusion and particle desorption.The role of interactions on adsorption and relaxation coupling will be discussed. Compared tobulk rotational and translational diffusion, the interface diffusion is significantly slowed down, inaccordance with our previous results on interface adsorbed spherical colloids [3].[1] K. H. Lan, N. Ostrowsky, D. Sornette, Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 17 (1986).[2] R. Sigel, Sigel, Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 14, 426 (2009).[3] A. Stocco, T. Mokhtari, G. Haseloff, A. Erbe, R. Sigel, Phys. Rev. E 83, 011601 (<strong>2011</strong>).151

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