8th Liquid Matter Conference September 6-10, 2011 Wien, Austria ...

8th Liquid Matter Conference September 6-10, 2011 Wien, Austria ...

8th Liquid Matter Conference September 6-10, 2011 Wien, Austria ...


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P6.44Fri 911:<strong>10</strong>-14:00Numerical simulation of aerosol particles transport,coagulation and depositionMikhail Zatevakhin, 1 Alexey Ignatiev, 1 and Sergey Semashko 11 JSC ”SPAEP”, 9/2a, 2nd Sovetskaya street, 19<strong>10</strong>36, Saint Petersburg, RussianFederationAerosol kinetics processes (condensation, coagulation, deposition) commonly take place incomplicated hydrodynamic flows, therefore most reliable results may be obtained when thesekinetic and hydrodynamic processes are described in the frame of integrated computational code.This work presents the code developed for such simulations. Reynolds averaged hydrodynamicequations closed with semi-empirical turbulence model were used for flow field simulations. Tosimulate the dispersion of low-inertia particles in turbulent flow Eulerian diffusion-inertia model[1] was employed. Aerosol kinetics description is based on numerical solution of correspondingkinetic equations. Modified Kovetz and Olund method [2] is used for coagulation equationsolution. Separate blocks of the code were verified on large number of problems which haveanalytical solutions or reliable experimental data. Results obtained in simulations of particlesdeposition in turbulent channel flow demonstrated code capability to describe these processesbut detailed analysis showed necessity of correct coordination turbulent migration velocities,used in diffusion-inertia approach, and parameterization of boundary conditions for particles drydeposition. Results of simulation of particles transport and coagulation in turbulent flow in ductare presented. The results are compared with experimental data of [3]. Effects of flow parametersand turbulence inhomogeneity are analyzed.[1] L. I. Zaichik, N. I. Drobyshevsky, A. S. Filippov, R. V. Mukin, V. F. Strizhov, Int. J.Heat and Mass Transfer 53, 154-162 (20<strong>10</strong>).[2] E. N. Stankova, M. A. Zatevakhin, Proceedings 12 th International <strong>Conference</strong> on Clouds andPrecipitation, Zurich, 19-23 August, 1996, 921-923 (1996).[3] K. Okuyama, Coagulation of aerosol particles. Ph. D. Thesis. (1978).44

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