8th Liquid Matter Conference September 6-10, 2011 Wien, Austria ...

8th Liquid Matter Conference September 6-10, 2011 Wien, Austria ...

8th Liquid Matter Conference September 6-10, 2011 Wien, Austria ...


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P7.44Thu 811:<strong>10</strong>-14:00Simplified particulate modelling of hemodynamicsJens Harting, 1 Florian Janoschek, 1 and Federico Toschi 11 TU Eindhoven, Department of Applied Physics, Den Dolech 2 5600MB, Eindhoven,NetherlandsHuman blood flow is a multi-scale problem: in first approximation, blood is a dense suspensionof plasma and deformable red cells. Physiological vessel diameters range from about one to thousandsof cell radii. Current computational models either involve a homogeneous fluid and cannottrack particulate effects or describe a relatively small number of cells with high resolution, butare incapable to reach relevant time and length scales. Our approach is to simplify much furtherthan existing particulate models. We combine well established methods from other areas ofphysics in order to find the essential ingredients for a minimalist description that still recovershemorheology. These ingredients are a lattice Boltzmann method describing rigid particle suspensionsto account for hydrodynamic long range interactions and-in order to describe the morecomplex short-range behavior of cells-anisotropic model potentials known from molecular dynamicssimulations. Paying detailedness, we achieve an efficient and scalable implementation whichis crucial for our ultimate goal: establishing a link between the collective behavior of millions ofcells and the macroscopic properties of blood in realistic flow situations. We present our modeland demonstrate its applicability to conditions typical for the microvasculature.44

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