8th Liquid Matter Conference September 6-10, 2011 Wien, Austria ...

8th Liquid Matter Conference September 6-10, 2011 Wien, Austria ...

8th Liquid Matter Conference September 6-10, 2011 Wien, Austria ...


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P1.50Fri 911:<strong>10</strong>-14:00Viscosity of Sn-enriched Co-Sn liquid alloysAndriy Yakymovych 1 and Stepan Mudry 11 Department of Metal Physics, Ivan Franko National University, Kyrylo and Mephodiy Str. 8,79005, Lviv, UkraineAlloys of Co-Sn system in Sn-rich side of phase diagram are interesting, because they can be amorphysedby rapid cooling of melt. The very high glass-forming ability shown Co-Sn within 25-87 at.%Sn. Such special feature due to their growing use in industry, for example as anodes for lithiumsecondary batteries, or candidate for replacing the chromium electroplating. Besides, alloys of thissystem reveal giant magnetic resistance. Curie temperature of Co is close to eutectic temperaturethat suggests the influence of magnetic ordering on structure and properties. In the Sn-rich regionof the Co-Sn phase diagram the liquidus temperatures corresponds to the reaction with the formof βCoSn 3 and Co 2 Sn phases. Besides, Co-Sn system characterized with existence of βCo 2 Sn 3and CoSn phases and eutectic point in solid state. It is known that intermetallic phase change itsstructure upon melting. Therefore the investigations of structural-sensitive properties in liquid state(viscosity, diffusion, etc.) are helpfully for understanding of mechanism of solid formation process.Unfortunately, the marginal data of such characteristic for investigated system are availablein the literature. The measurements of the viscosity by means of an oscillating crucible methodwere done in the interval from <strong>10</strong>0 to 85 at. %Sn. The results of the viscosity measurementswere compared with calculated ones. The thermodynamic models (Kozlov-Romanov-Petrov andBudai-Benko-Kaptay) were used for estimation of viscosity of Co-Sn melts. By analyzing wastaking into account the possibility of the existence of complexes or associates in the liquid state.50

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