Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

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Kumar R, Macey PM, Cross RL, Woo MA, Yan-Go FL, Harper RM. Neural alterationsassociated with anxiety symptoms in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Depression andAnxiety 2008 (in press)Woo MA, Kumar R, Macey PM, Fonarow GC, Harper RM. Brain injury in autonomic,emotional, and cognitive regulatory areas in patients with heart failure. J Cardiac Failure2008 (in press)Maliski, SallyMaliski SL, Kwan L, Orecklin J, Saigal C, Litwin MS (2005). Predictors of fatigue aftertreatment for prostate cancer. Urology, 65(1), 101-108. Data basedBerger AM, Berry D, Christopher K, Greene A, Maliski S, Swenson K, Mallory G, Hoyt D(2005). Oncology nursing society year 2004 research priorities survey. Oncology NursingForum, 32(2), 281-290.Gore JL, Krupski T, Kwan L, Maliski S, Litwin MS (2005). Partnership status influencesquality of life in low-income, uninsured men with prostate cancer. Cancer, 104(1), 191-198.Krupski TL, Fink A, Kwan L, Maliski SL, Connor SE, Clerkin B, Litwin MS (2005).Health related quality of life in low-income, uninsured men with prostate cancer. Journalof the Poor and Underserved, 16(2), 375-390.Brar R, Maliski SL, Kwan TL, Litwin MS (2005). Changes in quality of life among lowincomemen treated for prostate cancer. Urology, 66(2), 344-349.Krupski TL, Sonn G, Kwan L, Maliski S, Fink A, Litwin MS (2005). Ethnic variation inhealth-related quality of life among low-income men with prostate cancer. Ethnicity andDisease, 15(3), 461-468.Krupski TL, Kwan L, Fink A, Sonn G, Maliski SL, Litwin MS (2006). Spiritualityinfluences health related quality of life in men with prostate cancer. Psycho-oncology,15:121-131.Maliski SL, Connor SE, Clerkin B, Litwin MS (2006). Information desired andacquired by men with prostate cancer: Data from ethnic focus groups. HealthEducation & Behavior, 33(3), 393-409.Diebert C, Maliski SL, Kwan L, Fink A, Connor SE, Litwin MS (2007). Prostate CancerKnowledge Among Low-Income, Minority Men. Journal of Urology, 177(5), 1851-1855Maliski SL, Litwin MS (2007). Unsolicited Written Comments: An Untapped DataSource. Oncology Nursing Forum , 34(1), 142-147.Anger JT, Maliski SL, Krupski TL, Kwan L, Gore JL, Fink A, Connor SE, OrecklinJR, Litwin MS (2007). Outcomes in men denied access to a California publicassistance program for prostate cancer. Public Health Reports, 122 (2), 217-222.Zavala MW, Maliski SL, Kwan L, Miller DC, Fink A, Litwin MS (2008) Longitudinalquality of life in low income men in a public prostate cancer treatment program.Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 19, 200-215.128

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