Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

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POST-EXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIS INSTRUCTIONSHuman Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)Surveillance Guidelines: Due to the circumstances and possible exposure to HIV, HBV, andHCV, a student enrolled in the nursing program is considered as being at risk for these virusesgiven the amount of clinical learning the student will be engaged in. While it is not anticipatedthat any students will acquire any of these illnesses, any student deemed to be exposed to any ofthese illnesses will need to be under surveillance for six months from the date of exposure.During that surveillance period there are certain precautions that <strong>UCLA</strong> School of Nursing, theCenter for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization recommend that the studentpractice to protect him/herself and others.1. Particularly in the case of exposure via a needle stick, for example, if a clinical agreement(such as that which is in place at <strong>UCLA</strong>) exists, the student should notify the nursemanager in charge who should provide the necessary paper work, and then the studentshould notify the clinical instructor. If the event occurred during open hours, the studentshould proceed immediately to Occupational Health (at <strong>UCLA</strong> this is 200 Med Plaza) forprovision of care for such incidents as a needle stick. If Occupational health is closed,following the guidelines detailed above, the student should proceed immediately to theER.2. If a clinical agreement does not exist, the student should notify the parties detailed above(nurse manager and clinical instructor) and then proceed immediately to the ER.3. Nonetheless, the student is responsible for contacting his/her health care provider withintwo (2) to four (4) hours of exposure to discuss and arrange for the appropriate testingand post-exposure prophylaxis.4. If a student has not been vaccinated against Hepatitis B, he/she should start the series ofvaccinations immediately.5. If a student was previously vaccinated for Hepatitis B and his/her blood test demonstratesadequate concentrations of HBs antibodies, he/she will be considered protected againstthe Hepatitis B virus. If they are shown to be lower than the required levels, the studentshould receive a Hepatitis B vaccine booster.6. For exposure to HIV, a student should have blood tests done for HIV antibodies at: a)time of exposure, b) four(4) to six(6) weeks after exposure, and c) three(3) monthsfollowing exposure, or as recommended by his/her health care provider. The studentshould also follow his/her health care provider’s recommendation for testing for HepatitisB and C.7. If a student is exposed to the HIV virus, he/she should use condom protection wheneverengaging in sexual intercourse and should take precautions to prevent pregnancy fromoccurring while under HIV surveillance.189

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