Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

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equiring a certain number of TA experiences for graduation. The SON is also considering pilot testing anew Certified Nurse Educator program; a strategy which would significantly enhance the TAs within theSON.3. Student Enrollment and Recruitment. As is clear from Appendix M , the PhD programcontinues to regularly admit between 7 and 12 good quality applicants per year, and adheres to theAdmissions process (see Appendix D, Student enrollment, Graduations, etc). There are several strategiesfor recruitment of PhD students within the SON. There is a full time recruiter who recruits for all theprograms and attends conferences where potential doctoral students will be present. Last year weinstituted the first doctoral student information session and this year the same program was offered withgood attendance at both sessions. The best recruitment strategy seems to be graduates of the program orcurrent students who take the time to share with potential students their experience here at the SON.Members of the Doctoral Program Committee have made student recruitment and retention, as well asfaculty involvement a priority in the meetings that are held monthly in the SON.4. Student Advisement and Career Planning. Students are assigned a faculty mentor uponentry to the program, with whom they work closely over the first two years of coursework to promoteresearch and scholarship early in their education. Students from the SON report more satisfaction withadvisement, instruction, mentoring and their dissertation chair than other graduate students in general.Since our previous review, we have bestowed an averaged of five PhD degrees per year, with a high of10 in 2006-2007, and mean time to doctorate is less than six years (see Appendix M for a CompleteListing of Ph.D. Students). In testament to the quality of the program, nearly 50% of our students movedinto faculty positions at 4-yr colleges or universities upon graduation (half of these being tenure track);another 25% entered post-doctoral training at well respected institutions (<strong>UCLA</strong>, University of Arizona,Veterans Administration).V. Articulation, Concurrent and <strong>Self</strong>-Supporting ProgramsArticulated ProgramThe <strong>UCLA</strong> SON does not have a formalized articulated degree program.Concurrent MBA/MSN Program1. Goals, Rationale and Structure. The concurrent MBA/MSN program designed for studentsin the Nursing Administration specialty, will provide an opportunity for students to obtain the MBAthrough the Anderson Graduate School of Management. The program provides completion of the MBAand MSN coursework in a four-year sequence that alternates between coursework in the Anderson Schooland Nursing Administration courses in the SON.2. Recruitment, Enrollment, and Structure. The applicant pool for this program ranges fromone to three each year. Applicants who are not admitted to the Anderson Graduate School ofManagement may be admitted to the Nursing Administration Specialty in the MSN program.Unfortunately, nursing applicants have not been competitive for the MBA program; however, a few ofour students have completed the Executive MBA program after completion of the MSN program with aNursing Administration specialty.19

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