Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

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van Servellen, G. Nyamathi, A., Carpio, F., Pearce, D., Garcia-Teague, L., Herrera, G.,Lombardi, E. (2005). Effects of a Treatment Adherence Enhancement Program on HealthLiteracy: Patient Provider Relationships and Adherence to HAART Among Low IncomeHIV+ Spanish Speaking Latinos. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 19, 745-759.Nyamathi, A., Dixon, E., Wiley, D., Christiani, A., & Lowe, A. (2006). Hepatitis C VirusInfection Among Homeless Men Referred from a Community Clinic. Western Journal ofNursing Research, 28, 475-88.Nyamathi, A., Stein, J. A., Schumann, A., Tyler, D. (2007). Latent Variable Assessment ofOutcomes in a Nurse Case Managed Intervention to Increase Latent TuberculosisTreatment Completion in Homeless Adults. Health Psychology, 26, 68-76.Griffis, C. A., Compton, M., Martinez-Maza, O., Doering, L., Nyamathi, A., Irwin, M. R.et al. (2007). Pain related activation of leukocyte cellular adhesion molecules. PreliminaryFindings. Neuroimmunomodulation, 14(5), 224-228.Nyamathi A., Christiani, A., Nahid, P., Strehlow, A., Gregerson, P., Morisky, D., & Leake,B. (2006). A Randomized Controlled Trial of Two Treatment Programs for HomelessAdults with Latent Tuberculosis Infection. International Journal of Tuberculosis and LungDisease, 10, 775-82.Nyamathi, A., Suhadev, M., Swaminathan, S., & Fahey, J. L. (2006). Perceptions of aCommunity Sample about Participation in Future HIV Vaccine Trials in South India. AIDS& Behavior. DOI:1007/s101461-006-9173-8.Stein, J., Nyamathi, A., Ullman, J., & Bentler, P. (2007). Impact of Marriage onHIV/AIDS Risk Behaviors Among Impoverished At-Risk Couples: A Multi-Level LatentVariable Approach. AIDS and Behavior, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-005-90582.Nyamathi, A., King, M., Casillas, A., Gresham, L. S., & Mutere, M. (2007). Perceptions ofthe Nurses in Content and Delivery Style of Bioterrorism Education. Journal for Nurses inStaff Development, 23, 251-257.Lithgow, D., Nyamathi, A., Elashoff, D., Martinez-Maza, O., Covington, C. (2006). C-Reactive Protein in Nipple Aspirate Fluid: Relation to Women’s Health Factors. NursingResearch, 55, 418-425.Lithgow, D., Nyamathi, A., Elashoff, D., Martinez-Maza, O., Covington, C. (2007). C-Reactive Protein in Nipple Aspirate Fluid Associated with Gail Model Factors. BiologicalResearch for Nursing, 9,108-116.Gelberg, L., Lu, M.C., Leake, B., Andersen, R. M., Morgenstern, H., Nyamathi, A.(2007). Homeless Women: Who is Really at Risk for Unintended Pregnancy? Maternal &130

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